51社区 Faculty/Staff - BAC
- Abraham, Santhosh - Professor of Accounting, Business; Associate Dean, McAfee School of Business - sabraham@uu.edu - BAC 32 - Box 1884 - 731-661-5369
- Austill, David - Visiting Professor of Business Law, Business - daustill@uu.edu - BAC - Box 1846 - 731-661-5239
- Blackwell, Kasey - Assistant Director for EDGE Employment, College of Education - kblackwell@uu.edu - BAC 63 - 731-661-5247
- Bolyard, Susan - Academic Secretary, MBA Program, McAfee School of Business - sbolyard@uu.edu - BAC 20 - Box 1884 - 731-661-5340
- Butler, Kyle - Professor of Education, Education - kabutler@uu.edu - BAC 66 - Box 3133 - 731-661-5985
- Cates, Mandy - Assistant Professor of Education, Education; Director for Accreditation and Assessment, Educator Preparation Program - mcates@uu.edu - BAC 114 - Box 1904 - 731-661-5295
- Cherry, Nancy - Chair, Teaching & Learning; Prof. of Education; and Dir. for Master's Programs in Education, Jackson, Education; Associate Dean, College of Education - ncherry@uu.edu - BAC 65 - Box 3141 - 731-661-6567
- Courtner, Andrew - Chair, Educational Leadership; Assoc. Prof. of Education; Director of Ed.S. & Ed.D. Programs, Education; Associate Dean, College of Education; Director, Rosebrough Center for Educational Practice - acourtner@uu.edu - BAC 56 - Box 1876 - 731-661-5373
- Foubert, John - Professor of Education, Education - jfoubert@uu.edu - BAC 61B - Box 1876 - 731-661-5467
- Frase, Gabrielle - Director for Graduate Programs, McAfee School of Business - gfrase@uu.edu - BAC - Box 1884 - 731-661-5360
- Holloway, Rebecca - Director for the EDGE Program, College of Education - rholloway@uu.edu - BAC G-2 - Box 1893 - 731-661-5382
- Joyner, Marcia - Coordinator for Educational Leadership Programs, Jackson, College of Education - mjoyner@uu.edu - BAC 57 - Box 1876 - 731-661-6554
- King, Katie - Administrative Assistant, McAfee School of Business - kmking@uu.edu - BAC 16 - Box 1884 - 731-661-5357
- King, Rhonda - Program Coordinator for the Educator Preparation Program, College of Education - rking@uu.edu - BAC 108 - 731-661-5391
- Manner, Christopher K. - Professor of Economics, Business - cmanner@uu.edu - BAC 9 - Box 1884 - 731-661-5108
- Mathis, Melessia E. - Assistant Professor of Education, Education; Director for Clinical Experiences, College of Education - mmathis@uu.edu - BAC 117 - Box 1904 - 731-661-5484
- Miller, Karen Coleman - James and Shirley Porter Endowed Chair, University Prof. of Accounting, and Accounting Disc. Coord., Business - kcmiller@uu.edu - BAC 31 - Box 1884 - 731-661-5056
- Newman, Ken - Professor of Educational Leadership (Part-time), Education - knewman@uu.edu - BAC 55-A - Box 3133 - 731-661-5483
- Nicol, Duncan - Associate Professor of Marketing and Assurance of Learning Coordinator, Business - dnicol@uu.edu - BAC 8 - Box 1884 - 731-661-5364
- Pavlovic, Marko - Assistant Professor of Special Education, Education - mpavlovic@uu.edu - BAC 53 - Box 3133 - 731-661-4333
- Phillips, Ben T. - Professor of Educational Leadership, Education - bphillip@uu.edu - BAC 56 - Box 3133 - 731-661-5507
- Rowsey, April - Assistant Professor of Management, Business - arowsey@uu.edu - BAC 19 - Box 1884 - 731-661-5954
- Slater, Daniel J. - Professor of Management, Business; Dean, McAfee School of Business - dslater@uu.edu - BAC 16A - Box 1884 - 731-661-5334
- Tatum, Christie - Administrative Assistant to the Dean, College of Education - ctatum@uu.edu - BAC 59 - Box 1876 - 731-661-5374
- Townsend, Valerie - Assistant Professor of Accounting, Business; Assistant Dean, McAfee School of Business - vtownsend@uu.edu - BAC 29 - Box 1884 - 731-661-5361
- Trent, Colene - Professor of Economics, Business; Director of Events, McAfee School of Business - ctrent@uu.edu - BAC 4 - Box 1884 - 731-661-5471
- Tritt, Teresa - Associate Professor of Education, Education; Dean, College of Education - ttritt@uu.edu - BAC 116 - Box 1904 - 731-661-5383
- Wang, Guan Jun - Professor of Finance, Business - jwang@uu.edu - BAC - Box 1884 - 731-661-xxxx
- White, Juliana - Assistant Director for Student Support, EDGE Program, College of Education - jjwhite@uu.edu - BAC 64 - Box 0400 - 731-661-5586
- Wyatt, Christy - Program Coordinator, M.A.Ed./M.Ed., College of Education - cwyatt@uu.edu - BAC 51A - Box 1876 - 731-661-5523
- Xu, Joseph - Associate Professor of Marketing, Business - jxu@uu.edu - BAC 18 - Box 1884 - 731-661-5490