51社区 Faculty/Staff - L
- Lafferty, Ashley - Residence Director, Women's Quads, Student Life - alafferty@uu.edu - BWLD - Box 2075 - 731-661-5433
- Lafferty, Jonathan - Groundskeeper, Facilities Management - jlafferty@uu.edu - FACM - Box 1814 - 731-661-5450
- Lambert, Kayla - Associate Professor of Nursing & Chair for Undergraduate Nursing - Germantown, Nursing - klambert@uu.edu - UUG 214E - 901-312-1922
- Lancaster, Scott - Multimedia Producer, University Communications - slancast@uu.edu - HH 222 - Box 1808 - 731-661-5974
- Langston, Anita - Associate Professor of Nursing, Nursing - alangston@uu.edu - G-WB 219-C - 901-312-1912
- Larson, Meghan - Director, Center for Just and Caring Communities; Associate Professor of Social Work, Social Work - mlarson@uu.edu - PAC A-32 - Box 1868 - 731-661-5564
- Lawrence, John Robert - Operations Supervisor/First Shift Supervisor (Unarmed), Safety & Security, Student Life - jlawrence@uu.edu - HH 114 - Box 1813 - 731-661-5151
- Lee, Angela - Professor of Art, Art - adlee@uu.edu - PAC Art - Box 3155 - 731-661-5292
- Legg, Roger - Electrician, Facilities Management - rlegg@uu.edu - FACM - 731-661-5450
- Leviticus, Susan - Laboratory Specialist, Biology; Campus Director, Hendersonville Campus - sleviticus@uu.edu - UUH 145 - 615-447-2528
- Lewis, Kenneth R. - Dean, Memphis College of Urban and Theological Studies; Professor of Pastoral Ministry, MCUTS Adult Programs - krlewis@uu.edu - MCUTS - 901-324-2014, Ext. 3120 or 3118
- Lewis, Michael - CRM & Business Solutions Administrator, Information Technology - mlewis@uu.edu - PAC C-7G - Box 1809 - 731-661-5505
- Libby, Michelle - University and Mailing Services Generalist, University Services, Student Life - mlibby@uu.edu - SUB - Box 1819 - 731-661-5290
- Lindsey-Goodrich, Kimberly A. - Director for Experiential and Interprofessional Education and Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacy - klindsey@uu.edu - PH 142 - Box 1802 - 731-661-5991
- Litscher, Ken - Dean of Student Life and Director for Residence Life, Student Life - klitscher@uu.edu - SUB SA-39 - Box 1803 - 731-661-5433
- Litscher, Renee - Assistant Professor of Nursing, Nursing - rlitscher@uu.edu - WH 250 - Box 1801 - 731-661-6563
- Lockett, James Marcus - Co-Chair, Professor of Biology and Director for Graduate Programs in Biology, Biology - mlockett@uu.edu - WH 133 - Box 1914 - 731-661-5960
- Lockett, Susan - Academic Secretary for Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science, College of Arts & Sciences - slockett@uu.edu - PAC - Box 1856 - 731-661-5270
- Long, Marina - Circulation Associate, Library Services - mlong@uu.edu - LOGOS 142 - 731-661-6579
- Lunsford, Matt - University Professor of Mathematics, Mathematics - mlunsford@uu.edu - PAC C-51 - Box 1832 - 731-661-5222
- Lydic, Trevor - Assistant Director of Athletics for Compliance, Athletics - tlydic@uu.edu - PAC - Box 1821 - 731-661-5709
- Lynn, Elizabeth N. Curtis - Collection Development Coordinator, Library Services - blynn@uu.edu - LOGOS 203 - Box 5000 - 731-661-5416