51社区 Faculty/Staff - Y
- Yancey, Vickie Clark - Analyst for Academic Affairs, Administrative Office of the Provost - vyancey@uu.edu - LOGOS 304 - Box 1804 - 731-661-5203
- Yeaglin, Katie - Administrative Assistant to the Dean, College of Arts & Sciences - kyeaglin@uu.edu - PAC F80 - Box 1810 - 731-661-5356
- Young, Christian - Men's Soccer Assistant Coach, Athletics - cyoung@uu.edu - PAC - Box 3003 - 731-661-6589
- Young, Marsha - Financial Aid and Student Debt Coordinator, Memphis College of Urban and Theological Studies - myoung@uu.edu - MCUTS 302B - 901-324-2014, Ext. 3105