3/10/16 | 26448 | XL
Britton O'Daniel, senior psychology major, talks to a representative at the Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital during Social Work Awareness Day in the SUB. - MiKalla Cotton
3/10/16 | 26449 | XL
Organizations communicate with students during Social Work Awareness Day held in the Student Union Building. - MiKalla Cotton
3/10/16 | 26450 | XL
Students chat during Social Work Awareness Day. - MiKalla Cotton
3/10/16 | 26451 | XL
A student talks with a rep from a local organization during Social Work Awareness Day. - MiKalla Cotton
3/10/16 | 26452 | XL
Members at The Grove Primary Care Clinic share with visitors during Social Work Awareness Day in the SUB. - MiKalla Cotton
3/10/16 | 26505 | XL
Students stop to read materials from a booth at the Social Work Awareness Day event in the SUB hallway. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/10/16 | 26506 | XL
Representatives from various organizations talk to students during the Social Work Awareness Day event in the SUB hallway. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/10/16 | 26507 | XL
Mary Anne Poe, professor of social work, laughs with her colleagues and guests of Social Work Awareness Day. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/10/16 | 26508 | XL
Guests of Social Work Awareness Day talk in the SUB hallway. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/10/16 | 26509 | XL
Students enjoy browsing the booths during Social Work Awareness Day. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/10/16 | 26510 | XL
Jason Castles, assistant dean of students, browses the booths at Social Work Awareness Day. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/10/16 | 26511 | XL
Rhonda Hudson, professor of social work, talks with guests at the Social Work Awareness Day event in the SUB. - Kristi McMurry Woody