Wayne Holmes
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2/23/07 | 6988 | XL
Members of the Union community attended the First Annual Black History Month Program. The featured speaker was Dr. Camille Searcy who spoke on the eductional philosophies of W.E.B. Du Bois & Booker T. Washington. - Wayne Holmes
2/23/07 | 6991 | XL
Stephanie Clark, women's basketball assistant coach, sang His Eye Is On The Sparrow during the First Annual Black History Month Program. - Wayne Holmes
2/23/07 | 6994 | XL
Freshman Katelynn Johnson read from the poetry of Maya Angelou during the First Annual Black History Month Program. - Wayne Holmes
2/23/07 | 6997 | XL
Lonnie Searcy, Union's first African-American student, introduced his wife Camille, the featured speaker, during the First Annual Black History Month Program. - Wayne Holmes
2/23/07 | 7000 | XL
Dr. Camille Searcy spoke on the educational philosophies of W.E.B. Du Bois & Booker T. Washington during the First Annual Black History Month Program. - Wayne Holmes
2/23/07 | 7003 | XL
First Lady Lanese Dockery (left) fellowships with Camille Searcy (right) and David & Jeanie Gushee after the First Annual Black History Month Program. - Wayne Holmes