9/9/22 | 30604 | XL
Union students and faculty help break ground on a 40,000-square-foot academic building on the Great Lawn that will house the McAfee School of Business and the departments of computer science and engineering. - Suzanne Rhodes
10/19/21 | 30173 | XL
Dub Oliver, president of the university, interviews guests from the Department of Engineering during the Scholarship Banquet's "Not So Late Show with Dub Oliver." - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/9/18 | 28180 | XL
Jeannette Russ, professor of engineering and department chair, talks with a prospective student during Day at the U. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/6/16 | 26769 | XL
Jeannette Russ, professor of engineering and department chair, presents Chelsea Johnson with the academic excellence award in mechanical engineering during Awards Day Chapel. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/17/16 | 26644 | XL
Zack Jackson, 2010 engineering graduate, chats with Jeannette Russ, professor of engineering and department chair, before a presentation. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/1/15 | 25279 | XL
Jeannette Russ, professor of engineering and department chair, awards Matt Bentley, senior engineering major, with the academic excellence medal in engineering. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/23/15 | 25118 | XL
Jeanette Russ, engineering department chair, introduces the panel from TEA in Harvey Auditorium. - Amanda Rohde
2/27/15 | 24816 | XL
Fonsie Guilaran, associate professor of physics, chats with Jeannette Russ, professor of engineering and department chair, during a reception celebrating National Engineering Week. - Kristi McMurry Woody
8/22/14 | 23854 | XL
Jeanette Russ, professor of engineering and department chair, reads a passage of scripture at the beginning of Fall Convocation. - Kristi McMurry Woody
8/22/14 | 23809 | XL
Jeannette Russ, professor of engineering and department chair, Hal Poe, faculty member of the year, and Dub Oliver, president of the university, sing "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" at the beginning of Fall Convocation. - Emily Stookey
4/30/13 | 22051 | XL
From left, engineering students Todd Jones, Dylan Baker and Kian Jost share their presentation titled "Brightening the Future with LED Technology" with Jeanette Russ, professor of engineering and department chair. - Jacob Moore
3/3/11 | 16834 | XL
Jeanette Russ, professor of engineering, teaches class. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/3/11 | 16835 | XL
Jeanette Russ, professor of engineering, gets her students started on their circuits lab assignment. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/3/11 | 16836 | XL
Jeanette Russ, professor of engineering, helps her students with circuits. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/3/11 | 16837 | XL
Jeanette Russ, professor of engineering, helps her students with circuits. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/3/11 | 16838 | XL
Jeanette Russ, professor of engineering, teaches her students about circuits in class. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/4/10 | 14227 | XL
Dr. Jeannette Russ and Mary Ann Poe share a laugh as they wait for the presentations to begin at the annual scholarship symposium. - Morris Abernathy
4/29/10 | 14191 | XL
Dr. Jeannette Russ, associate professor of engineering, teaches a class. - Morris Abernathy
4/29/10 | 14192 | XL
Dr. Jeannette Russ, associate professor of engineering, teaches a class. - Morris Abernathy
12/19/08 | 10493 | XL
Jeannette Russ, faculty of the year and engineering professor, carries the mace during the fall commencement services. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/12/08 | 9943 | XL
Jeanette Russ, 2008-09 faculty member of the year, stands with the university mace at the beginning of the fall convocation service. - Morris Abernathy
11/6/06 | 6653 | XL
Professors Jeannette Russ, Mary Anne Poe and Lori Nolen come together from different departments to build a sculpture, with help from Ryne Cali, learning foundations major. They were participating in RIFA's Canstruction, held at the Old Hickory Mall. Union's team built a sculpture named “Feeding the multitudes” which illustrates the story of Jesus feeding the 5000. - Matthew Diggs
11/6/06 | 6654 | XL
Engineering Professor Jeannette Russ, aids Union's team in canstructing the sculpture “Feeding the Multitudes,” for RIFA's Canstruction event at the Old Hickory Mall in Jackson. - Matthew Diggs
12/2/03 | 2012 | XL
Don Van, Associate Professor and Engineering Department Chair; and Jeannette Russ, Assistant Professor of Engineering - Jim Veneman