12/15/18 | 28815 | XL
Terrance Pryor, master of Christian studies, receives his diploma during Fall Commencement. - Kristi McMurry Woody
7/28/18 | 28375 | XL
Elaine Hulon, master of Christian studies graduate, receives her diploma during summer graduation. - Kristi McMurry Woody
7/30/16 | 26905 | XL
Alan Kruer, master of Christian studies graduate, receives his diploma from Dub Oliver, president of the university, during Summer Commencement. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/21/16 | 26846 | XL
Graduates process to the Great Lawn during spring commencement services. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/17/14 | 23532 | XL
Master of Christian Studies graduates bow their heads in prayer during the Spring Commencement Services. - Emily Stookey
12/14/13 | 22956 | XL
Angela Franklin, masters of Christian studies graduate, looks at her diploma for the first time during Fall Commencement Services. - Jacob Moore
5/18/13 | 22030 | XL
Master of Christian studies graduates, Debra Burroughs and Zedric Clayton, smile after receiving diplomas at Spring Graduation. - Anne Richoux
9/23/08 | 9936 | XL
Union has recently started offering Master of Christian Studies courses at First Baptist Church of Hendersonville. There are plans to offer additional graduate programs in education and nursing in the future. - Morris Abernathy
9/23/08 | 9937 | XL
Paul Jackson, professor of Christian studies, leads a Master of Christian Studies class on Union's newly established Hendersonville campus. - Morris Abernathy
9/23/08 | 9938 | XL
Students participate in a Master of Christian Studies class on Union's newly established Hendersonville campus. - Morris Abernathy
9/23/08 | 9939 | XL
Paul Jackson, professor of Christian studies, leads a Master of Christian Studies class on Union's newly established Hendersonville campus. - Morris Abernathy
8/2/08 | 9666 | XL
Ronnie Smith, receiving his masters in Christian studies, and Tracy Brittmon, receiving her doctorate of education, listen to President Dockery's commencement charge about hope at summer graduation. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/14/06 | 7005 | XL
Members of the MCS program fellowship before class. - Morris Abernathy
3/7/06 | 4901 | XL
Charles Fowler, senior vice president for university relations and associate professor of Christian ministries and education, leads an MCS class on the Germantown campus. - Morris Abernathy
3/7/06 | 4902 | XL
Charles Fowler, senior vice president for university relations and associate professor of Christian ministries and education, leads an MCS class on the Germantown campus. - Morris Abernathy