4/23/15 | 25118 | XL
Jeanette Russ, engineering department chair, introduces the panel from TEA in Harvey Auditorium. - Amanda Rohde
4/23/15 | 25119 | XL
Steve Birket, TEA international president, speaks to engineering students about the projects in which TEA has been involved. - Amanda Rohde
4/23/15 | 25120 | XL
Brad Nelms, 4Wall Entertainment system integrator, shares with students his involvement with TEA during the Experience Cafe. - Amanda Rohde
4/23/15 | 25121 | XL
Kelly Devine, TEA member from the Hnedak Bobo Group, speaks about the various project he has worked on with TEA. - Amanda Rohde
4/23/15 | 25122 | XL
Sylvia Matiko, principal at A Different View and TEA member, speaks on a panel to engineering students about TEA. - Amanda Rohde