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Photo Project

Pi Day (Mar 14, 2006) Photos

Amber Roberts hands out cupcakes containing multiple digits of pi on Pi Day 2006. - Photo by Stephanny Rodriguez 3/14/06 | 4917 | XL
Amber Roberts hands out cupcakes containing multiple digits of pi on Pi Day 2006. - Stephanny Rodriguez

Ben Bailey picks up a cupcake containing multiple digits of pi on Pi Day 2006. - Photo by Stephanny Rodriguez 3/14/06 | 4918 | XL
Ben Bailey picks up a cupcake containing multiple digits of pi on Pi Day 2006. - Stephanny Rodriguez

Students celebrated Einstien's birthday and Pi Day by handing out cupcakes displaying multiple digits of pi. - Photo by Heather Phillips 3/14/06 | 5080 | XL
Students celebrated Einstien's birthday and Pi Day by handing out cupcakes displaying multiple digits of pi. - Heather Phillips

Students celebrated Einstien's birthday and Pi Day by handing out cupcakes displaying multiple digits of pi and by having an Einstein look-a-like contest. - Photo by Heather Phillips 3/14/06 | 5081 | XL
Students celebrated Einstien's birthday and Pi Day by handing out cupcakes displaying multiple digits of pi and by having an Einstein look-a-like contest. - Heather Phillips

Students celebrated Einstien's birthday and Pi Day by handing out cupcakes displaying multiple digits of pi and by having an Einstein look-a-like contest. Jim Kirk, computer science professor, went for one of the lower numbers. - Photo by Heather Phillips 3/14/06 | 5082 | XL
Students celebrated Einstien's birthday and Pi Day by handing out cupcakes displaying multiple digits of pi and by having an Einstein look-a-like contest. Jim Kirk, computer science professor, went for one of the lower numbers. - Heather Phillips