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A Union Christmas (Dec 6, 2005) Photos

Wendy Googe played the flute during <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Brad Moore 12/6/05 | 4322 | XL
Wendy Googe played the flute during A Union Christmas. - Brad Moore

Andy McBride played the saxophone during <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Brad Moore 12/6/05 | 4323 | XL
Andy McBride played the saxophone during A Union Christmas. - Brad Moore

President Dockery welcomes the community to <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Brad Moore 12/6/05 | 4324 | XL
President Dockery welcomes the community to A Union Christmas. - Brad Moore

Betty Bedsole led the children's choir from the Community Music Center during <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Brad Moore 12/6/05 | 4325 | XL
Betty Bedsole led the children's choir from the Community Music Center during A Union Christmas. - Brad Moore

Katelin Warren played the flute during <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Brad Moore 12/6/05 | 4326 | XL
Katelin Warren played the flute during A Union Christmas. - Brad Moore

Philip Tang played the cello during <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Brad Moore 12/6/05 | 4327 | XL
Philip Tang played the cello during A Union Christmas. - Brad Moore

The Jackson Symphony performed with the music department during <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Brad Moore 12/6/05 | 4328 | XL
The Jackson Symphony performed with the music department during A Union Christmas. - Brad Moore

Stanley Warren led the University Singers during <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Brad Moore 12/6/05 | 4329 | XL
Stanley Warren led the University Singers during A Union Christmas. - Brad Moore

The 51社区 Singers performed selections from <em>Messiah</em> during <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Brad Moore 12/6/05 | 4330 | XL
The 51社区 Singers performed selections from Messiah during A Union Christmas. - Brad Moore

Stanley Warren led the University Singers in selections from <em>Messiah</em> during <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Brad Moore 12/6/05 | 4331 | XL
Stanley Warren led the University Singers in selections from Messiah during A Union Christmas. - Brad Moore

Former Union faculty member Charles Huffman played the tuba with the Jackson Symphony during <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Brad Moore 12/6/05 | 4332 | XL
Former Union faculty member Charles Huffman played the tuba with the Jackson Symphony during A Union Christmas. - Brad Moore

The Jackson Symphony performed with the music department during <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Brad Moore 12/6/05 | 4333 | XL
The Jackson Symphony performed with the music department during A Union Christmas. - Brad Moore

The Jackson Symphony performed with the music department during <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Kyle Kurlick 12/6/05 | 4362 | XL
The Jackson Symphony performed with the music department during A Union Christmas. - Kyle Kurlick

Jennifer Nelson performed during <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Kyle Kurlick 12/6/05 | 4363 | XL
Jennifer Nelson performed during A Union Christmas. - Kyle Kurlick

The Jackson Symphony performed with the music department during <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Kyle Kurlick 12/6/05 | 4364 | XL
The Jackson Symphony performed with the music department during A Union Christmas. - Kyle Kurlick

Victoria Green performed with the Choral Union during <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Kyle Kurlick 12/6/05 | 4365 | XL
Victoria Green performed with the Choral Union during A Union Christmas. - Kyle Kurlick

Jeremy Hanks and the rest of the French horn section performed during <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Kyle Kurlick 12/6/05 | 4366 | XL
Jeremy Hanks and the rest of the French horn section performed during A Union Christmas. - Kyle Kurlick

Ian Miller played the oboe during <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Kyle Kurlick 12/6/05 | 4367 | XL
Ian Miller played the oboe during A Union Christmas. - Kyle Kurlick

Lindsay Wood played the bells during <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Kyle Kurlick 12/6/05 | 4368 | XL
Lindsay Wood played the bells during A Union Christmas. - Kyle Kurlick

Amy Hines played the clarinet during <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Kyle Kurlick 12/6/05 | 4369 | XL
Amy Hines played the clarinet during A Union Christmas. - Kyle Kurlick

Adam Wood played the bongos during <em>A Union Christmas</em>. - Photo by Kyle Kurlick 12/6/05 | 4361 | XL
Adam Wood played the bongos during A Union Christmas. - Kyle Kurlick