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Chapel: Faith in Practice Conference--Don Whitney (Nov 6, 2002) Photos

<i>Faith in Practice Conference:</i> Don Whitney, Professor of Spiritual Formation from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, MO led the three-day conference.  Here he presents his address, <i>Do You Thirst for God?</i> - Photo by Jim Veneman 11/6/02 | 736 | XL
Faith in Practice Conference: Don Whitney, Professor of Spiritual Formation from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, MO led the three-day conference. Here he presents his address, Do You Thirst for God? - Jim Veneman

<i>Faith in Practice Conference:</i> Don Whitney makes a point during his address, <i>Do You Thirst for God?</i> - Photo by Jim Veneman 11/6/02 | 735 | XL
Faith in Practice Conference: Don Whitney makes a point during his address, Do You Thirst for God? - Jim Veneman

<i>Faith in Practice Conference:</i> Jay Ridenour, director of discipleship ministries, introduces Don Whitney and explains his vision for the conference. - Photo by Jim Veneman 11/6/02 | 733 | XL
Faith in Practice Conference: Jay Ridenour, director of discipleship ministries, introduces Don Whitney and explains his vision for the conference. - Jim Veneman

<i>Faith in Practice Conference:</i> Christian Studies major Brandon James reads scripture before Dr. Whitney presented his message. - Photo by Jim Veneman 11/6/02 | 734 | XL
Faith in Practice Conference: Christian Studies major Brandon James reads scripture before Dr. Whitney presented his message. - Jim Veneman

<i>Faith in Practice Conference:</i> Anna Thompson and Steve Moore lead in praise and worship. - Photo by Jim Veneman 11/6/02 | 732 | XL
Faith in Practice Conference: Anna Thompson and Steve Moore lead in praise and worship. - Jim Veneman