Midnight Mudness (Apr 22, 2004) Photos
4/22/04 | 2126 | XL
Juniors Lindsay Grace Brown, learning foundations major, Nathan Hooper, Christian studies major, and Carol Lee Weaver, learning foundations major, enjoy a game of leap frog in the mud during Midnight Mudness. The event was sponsored by the Young Alums last Thursday. - Jonathan Blair
4/22/04 | 2199 | XL
Junior Ruth Schroeder struggles as her team competes in a tug-of-war during the Young Alum's Midnight Mudness. - Jonathan Blair
4/22/04 | 2187 | XL
The winning team in the Young Alum's Midnight Mudness event included Trae Cadenhead, Nathan Hooper, Kolo Goshi, Ruth Schroeder, Paul Travis, Kristin Ulmer, and Kate Mosley. Also pictured is Young Alums staff advisor Gary Williams, associate vice president for advancement and executive director of for alumni services. - Jonathan Blair