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Graduation Reception (May 22, 2004) Photos

A graduation reception for families and other special guests was held in Ayers Courtyard the afternoon before spring graduation. - Photo by Kristen Hiller 5/22/04 | 2050 | XL
A graduation reception for families and other special guests was held in Ayers Courtyard the afternoon before spring graduation. - Kristen Hiller

Learning Foundations graduate Bethany Davis and her father visit with Union alumni staffer Belinda Moss at the graduation reception held in Ayers Courtyard. - Photo by Kristen Hiller 5/22/04 | 2049 | XL
Learning Foundations graduate Bethany Davis and her father visit with Union alumni staffer Belinda Moss at the graduation reception held in Ayers Courtyard. - Kristen Hiller

Associate Vice President for Alumni Services Gary Williams (center) enjoys a good time of fellowship with graduate Keelan Cook (right) and First Lady Lanese Dockery at the graduation reception held in Ayers Courtyard. - Photo by Kristen Hiller 5/22/04 | 2051 | XL
Associate Vice President for Alumni Services Gary Williams (center) enjoys a good time of fellowship with graduate Keelan Cook (right) and First Lady Lanese Dockery at the graduation reception held in Ayers Courtyard. - Kristen Hiller

Director of Visual Communications Jim Veneman (right) and his wife Carol celebrate their son Justin's graduation at the graduation reception held in Ayers Courtyard. Photo taken by President David S. Dockery. - Photo by David S. Dockery 5/22/04 | 2045 | XL
Director of Visual Communications Jim Veneman (right) and his wife Carol celebrate their son Justin's graduation at the graduation reception held in Ayers Courtyard. Photo taken by President David S. Dockery. - David S. Dockery