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Photo Project

Graduation Luncheon (May 21, 2004) Photos

Senior class president Laurie Skinkle grabs her beverage of choice at the graduation luncheon. - Photo by Jonathan Blair 5/21/04 | 2046 | XL
Senior class president Laurie Skinkle grabs her beverage of choice at the graduation luncheon. - Jonathan Blair

First Lady Lanese Dockery (right) and several graduates and their families enjoyed the graduation luncheon in the grove. - Photo by Jonathan Blair 5/21/04 | 2047 | XL
First Lady Lanese Dockery (right) and several graduates and their families enjoyed the graduation luncheon in the grove. - Jonathan Blair

Graduate Jennifer Blackwell gives Pam Sutton a big hug after the graduate luncheon. - Photo by Kristen Hiller 5/21/04 | 2048 | XL
Graduate Jennifer Blackwell gives Pam Sutton a big hug after the graduate luncheon. - Kristen Hiller