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Summer Graduation (Aug 7, 2004) Photos

Well over four hundred people attended the reception in Coburn Dining Room prior to the August graduation ceremony.  - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/7/04 | 2330 | XL
Well over four hundred people attended the reception in Coburn Dining Room prior to the August graduation ceremony. - Morris Abernathy

New graduates received Union license plate frames and key rings from alumni services at the August graduation reception. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/7/04 | 2328 | XL
New graduates received Union license plate frames and key rings from alumni services at the August graduation reception. - Morris Abernathy

Lou Carmichael Jr. joined the ranks of Union alumni after earning his master of education degree. Carmichael was among 230 graduates awarded degrees in the August ceremony. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/7/04 | 2333 | XL
Lou Carmichael Jr. joined the ranks of Union alumni after earning his master of education degree. Carmichael was among 230 graduates awarded degrees in the August ceremony. - Morris Abernathy

Charles Clark Jr., adjunct education instructor, talks with Dr. Charles Fowler, senior vice president for university relations, at the August graduation reception. Clark was among Union's first doctoral graduates to be conferred degrees in the August ceremony. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/7/04 | 2334 | XL
Charles Clark Jr., adjunct education instructor, talks with Dr. Charles Fowler, senior vice president for university relations, at the August graduation reception. Clark was among Union's first doctoral graduates to be conferred degrees in the August ceremony. - Morris Abernathy

Four month old David Webster prepares for a special graduation day with his graduate mother LaToya. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/7/04 | 2332 | XL
Four month old David Webster prepares for a special graduation day with his graduate mother LaToya. - Morris Abernathy

Dean of the College of Education and Human Studies Tom Rosebrough chats with Ed.D. graduate Debbie Joy at the graduate reception. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/7/04 | 2331 | XL
Dean of the College of Education and Human Studies Tom Rosebrough chats with Ed.D. graduate Debbie Joy at the graduate reception. - Morris Abernathy

M.A.Ed. graduate Carol Lynn Reaves gathers with her family for photos at the summer graduation reception. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/7/04 | 2335 | XL
M.A.Ed. graduate Carol Lynn Reaves gathers with her family for photos at the summer graduation reception. - Morris Abernathy

James Patterson, Carla Sanderson, Tom Rosebrough, David S. Dockery, Judy Fletcher, Donna Sachse, Kelvin Moore, and Keith Absher pose in their regalia shortly before summer graduation. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/7/04 | 2337 | XL
James Patterson, Carla Sanderson, Tom Rosebrough, David S. Dockery, Judy Fletcher, Donna Sachse, Kelvin Moore, and Keith Absher pose in their regalia shortly before summer graduation. - Morris Abernathy

Dr. David S. Dockery welcomes family and friends of Union graduates gathered at West Jackson Baptist Church for commencement services on Saturday, Aug. 7, 2004. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/7/04 | 2338 | XL
Dr. David S. Dockery welcomes family and friends of Union graduates gathered at West Jackson Baptist Church for commencement services on Saturday, Aug. 7, 2004. - Morris Abernathy

Graduates bow in prayer during the Aug. 7 service at West Jackson Baptist Church.
 - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/7/04 | 2339 | XL
Graduates bow in prayer during the Aug. 7 service at West Jackson Baptist Church. - Morris Abernathy

Dr. Thomas R. Rosebrough, dean of the college of education and human studies, delivers the commencement address titled "Which Way is Home?" during the August graduation service at West Jackson Baptist Church. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/7/04 | 2341 | XL
Dr. Thomas R. Rosebrough, dean of the college of education and human studies, delivers the commencement address titled "Which Way is Home?" during the August graduation service at West Jackson Baptist Church. - Morris Abernathy

Dr. Richard Joiner, music department chair, leads in singing of the 51社区 Alma Mater at the August graduation service at West Jackson Baptist Church. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/7/04 | 2343 | XL
Dr. Richard Joiner, music department chair, leads in singing of the 51社区 Alma Mater at the August graduation service at West Jackson Baptist Church. - Morris Abernathy

Richelle D. Jones of Memphis, Tenn., kisses her grandmother after receiving her master of education degree during August commencement services at West Jackson Baptist Church. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/7/04 | 2344 | XL
Richelle D. Jones of Memphis, Tenn., kisses her grandmother after receiving her master of education degree during August commencement services at West Jackson Baptist Church. - Morris Abernathy

After earning her master of education degree, Melissa Farmer pauses to reflect on summer gradution at West Jackson Baptist Church.  - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/7/04 | 2347 | XL
After earning her master of education degree, Melissa Farmer pauses to reflect on summer gradution at West Jackson Baptist Church. - Morris Abernathy

Dr. David S. Dockery and Dr. Thomas R. Rosebrough in full regalia during the summer graduation ceremony. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/7/04 | 2340 | XL
Dr. David S. Dockery and Dr. Thomas R. Rosebrough in full regalia during the summer graduation ceremony. - Morris Abernathy

Union officials prepare to bestow Union's first doctorates at summer graduation 2004. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/7/04 | 2342 | XL
Union officials prepare to bestow Union's first doctorates at summer graduation 2004. - Morris Abernathy

Donna Sachse, associate professor of nursing and chair of the School of Nursing on Union鈥檚 Germantown campus, gave the closing prayer at Summer Graduation 2004. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/7/04 | 2397 | XL
Donna Sachse, associate professor of nursing and chair of the School of Nursing on Union鈥檚 Germantown campus, gave the closing prayer at Summer Graduation 2004. - Morris Abernathy

The happy graduates gather with family and friends after summer graduation on the front lawn of West Jackson Baptist Church. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/7/04 | 2349 | XL
The happy graduates gather with family and friends after summer graduation on the front lawn of West Jackson Baptist Church. - Morris Abernathy

Melissa Farmer(second from the left) gets her photo taken with a few of her fellow master of education classmates. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/7/04 | 2345 | XL
Melissa Farmer(second from the left) gets her photo taken with a few of her fellow master of education classmates. - Morris Abernathy