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Welcome Week (Aug 16, 2019) Photos

Student leaders welcome new students to campus on move-in day. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 8/16/19 | 29047 | XL
Student leaders welcome new students to campus on move-in day. - Kristi McMurry Woody

New students check in on Move-in Day. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 8/16/19 | 29048 | XL
New students check in on Move-in Day. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Welcome Week leaders pump up the new students as they walk into the check-in area for Move-in Day. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 8/16/19 | 29049 | XL
Welcome Week leaders pump up the new students as they walk into the check-in area for Move-in Day. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Upperclassmen help unload a new student's car during Move-in Day. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 8/16/19 | 29050 | XL
Upperclassmen help unload a new student's car during Move-in Day. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Upperclassmen help new students move into their dorms at the beginning of Welcome Week. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 8/16/19 | 29051 | XL
Upperclassmen help new students move into their dorms at the beginning of Welcome Week. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Dub Oliver, president of the university, speaks to parents and new students at the beginning of Welcome Week. - Photo by Sarah Palmer Goff 8/16/19 | 29053 | XL
Dub Oliver, president of the university, speaks to parents and new students at the beginning of Welcome Week. - Sarah Palmer Goff

Students and their families enjoy the welcome chapel during Move-in Day. - Photo by Sarah Palmer Goff 8/16/19 | 29054 | XL
Students and their families enjoy the welcome chapel during Move-in Day. - Sarah Palmer Goff

Dub Oliver, president of the university, speaks at the Blessing Chapel during Welcome Week. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 8/16/19 | 29045 | XL
Dub Oliver, president of the university, speaks at the Blessing Chapel during Welcome Week. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Parents, faculty and staff pray over new students during the Blessing Chapel. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 8/16/19 | 29046 | XL
Parents, faculty and staff pray over new students during the Blessing Chapel. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Welcome Week leaders jump in the pool at Dub & Susie Oliver's house during the annual ice cream social. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 8/17/19 | 29055 | XL
Welcome Week leaders jump in the pool at Dub & Susie Oliver's house during the annual ice cream social. - Kristi McMurry Woody

New students enjoy an ice cream social at the Olivers' house during Welcome Week. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 8/17/19 | 29056 | XL
New students enjoy an ice cream social at the Olivers' house during Welcome Week. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Welcome Week leaders enjoy the ice cream social at the Olivers' home in Jackson, TN. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 8/17/19 | 29057 | XL
Welcome Week leaders enjoy the ice cream social at the Olivers' home in Jackson, TN. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Union executive counsel members serve ice cream to new students during Welcome Week. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 8/17/19 | 29058 | XL
Union executive counsel members serve ice cream to new students during Welcome Week. - Kristi McMurry Woody

New students learn cheers during the Welcome Week spirit rally. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 8/18/19 | 29059 | XL
New students learn cheers during the Welcome Week spirit rally. - Kristi McMurry Woody

The Busters hang out together at the Welcome Week spirit rally. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 8/18/19 | 29060 | XL
The Busters hang out together at the Welcome Week spirit rally. - Kristi McMurry Woody

New students practice their Bulldog cheers at the Welcome Week spirit rally. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 8/18/19 | 29061 | XL
New students practice their Bulldog cheers at the Welcome Week spirit rally. - Kristi McMurry Woody

New students play sand volleyball during the Welcome Week SAC Fest. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 8/18/19 | 29062 | XL
New students play sand volleyball during the Welcome Week SAC Fest. - Kristi McMurry Woody

New students play basketball during the Welcome Week SAC Fest outside the Bowld Student Commons. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 8/18/19 | 29063 | XL
New students play basketball during the Welcome Week SAC Fest outside the Bowld Student Commons. - Kristi McMurry Woody

New students enjoy the activities at the Welcome Week SAC Fest. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 8/18/19 | 29064 | XL
New students enjoy the activities at the Welcome Week SAC Fest. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Welcome Week leaders perform on stage for new students during the Welcome Week Show. - Photo by Nikki Grim 8/16/19 | 29237 | XL
Welcome Week leaders perform on stage for new students during the Welcome Week Show. - Nikki Grim

Welcome Week Leaders perform in the Welcome Week Show for new students.  - Photo by Nikki Grim 8/16/19 | 29238 | XL
Welcome Week Leaders perform in the Welcome Week Show for new students. - Nikki Grim