Homecoming 2004: Wild and Wacky Homecoming Games (Feb 17, 2004) Photos
2/17/04 | 2062 | XL
Wild and wacky action from the Wild and Wacky Homecoming Games. - Kristen Nicole Sayres
2/17/04 | 2064 | XL
Junior Jonathan Blair looks nervous as he balances a number of students during Wild and Wacky Homecoming Games. - Kristen Nicole Sayres
2/17/04 | 2063 | XL
Jonathan Blair celebrates with his team, The Junior Class, shortly after serving as the base for a human stacking competition and winning that stage of the Wild and Wacky Homecoming Games. - Kristen Nicole Sayres
2/17/04 | 2065 | XL
Wild and wacky action from the Wild and Wacky Homecoming Games. - Kristen Nicole Sayres
2/17/04 | 2399 | XL
Members of Kappa Delta enjoyed conversation while waiting for Wild and Wacky games to begin. - Kristen Nicole Sayres