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Theatre: Macbeth (May 6, 2004) Photos

Miranda Wallace, Emily Brown and Courtney Braswell play the witches in <i>Macbeth</i>. - Photo by Jim Veneman 5/4/04 | 1972 | XL
Miranda Wallace, Emily Brown and Courtney Braswell play the witches in Macbeth. - Jim Veneman

Courtney Braswell and Emily Brown as two of the witches in <i>Macbeth</i>. - Photo by Jim Veneman 5/4/04 | 1973 | XL
Courtney Braswell and Emily Brown as two of the witches in Macbeth. - Jim Veneman

Allie Campbell as Lady Macbeth and Ryan Schunemann as Macbeth in <i>Macbeth</i>. - Photo by Jim Veneman 5/4/04 | 1979 | XL
Allie Campbell as Lady Macbeth and Ryan Schunemann as Macbeth in Macbeth. - Jim Veneman

Ryan Schunemann as Macbeth who sees a dagger before him in </i>Macbeth</i>. - Photo by Jim Veneman 5/4/04 | 1980 | XL
Ryan Schunemann as Macbeth who sees a dagger before him in Macbeth. - Jim Veneman

Ryan Schunemann as Macbeth in <i>Macbeth</i>. - Photo by Jim Veneman 5/4/04 | 1981 | XL
Ryan Schunemann as Macbeth in Macbeth. - Jim Veneman

Allie Campbell as Lady Macbeth and Ryan Schunemann as Macbeth in <i>Macbeth</i>. - Photo by Jim Veneman 5/4/04 | 1982 | XL
Allie Campbell as Lady Macbeth and Ryan Schunemann as Macbeth in Macbeth. - Jim Veneman

Ryan Schunemann as Macbeth reacts to the ghost of Banquo played by Stephen Kennedy in <i>Macbeth</i>. - Photo by Jim Veneman 5/4/04 | 1983 | XL
Ryan Schunemann as Macbeth reacts to the ghost of Banquo played by Stephen Kennedy in Macbeth. - Jim Veneman

Ryan Schunemann as Macbeth and Stephen Kennedy as Banquo are told the future by the witches in <i>Macbeth</i>. - Photo by Jim Veneman 5/4/04 | 1976 | XL
Ryan Schunemann as Macbeth and Stephen Kennedy as Banquo are told the future by the witches in Macbeth. - Jim Veneman

The three witches played by Courtney Braswell, Miranda Wallace and Emily Brown stir up double, double toil and trouble in <i>Macbeth</i>. - Photo by Jim Veneman 5/4/04 | 1984 | XL
The three witches played by Courtney Braswell, Miranda Wallace and Emily Brown stir up double, double toil and trouble in Macbeth. - Jim Veneman

Emily Brown as a possessed witch in <i>Macbeth</i>. - Photo by Jim Veneman 5/4/04 | 1985 | XL
Emily Brown as a possessed witch in Macbeth. - Jim Veneman

Murry Young as Macduff's Son and Jeremy Parker as Ross in <i>Macbeth</i>. - Photo by Jim Veneman 5/4/04 | 1986 | XL
Murry Young as Macduff's Son and Jeremy Parker as Ross in Macbeth. - Jim Veneman

Murry Young as Macduff's Son and Lindsey Young as Lady Macduff in <i>Macbeth</i>. - Photo by Jim Veneman 5/4/04 | 1987 | XL
Murry Young as Macduff's Son and Lindsey Young as Lady Macduff in Macbeth. - Jim Veneman

Jeremy Parker as Ross in <i>Macbeth</i>. - Photo by Jim Veneman 5/4/04 | 1988 | XL
Jeremy Parker as Ross in Macbeth. - Jim Veneman

Timothy Kennedy as Malcolm, Andy Morris as Macduff and Jeremy Parker as Ross in <i>Macbeth</i>. - Photo by Jim Veneman 5/4/04 | 1989 | XL
Timothy Kennedy as Malcolm, Andy Morris as Macduff and Jeremy Parker as Ross in Macbeth. - Jim Veneman

Laura Frost as the Doctor and Elizabeth Berry as the Gentlewoman observe the sleepwalking Allie Campbell as Lady Macbeth in <i>Macbeth</i>. - Photo by Jim Veneman 5/4/04 | 1990 | XL
Laura Frost as the Doctor and Elizabeth Berry as the Gentlewoman observe the sleepwalking Allie Campbell as Lady Macbeth in Macbeth. - Jim Veneman

Ryan Schunnemann wields his sword as Macbeth in <i>Macbeth</i>. - Photo by Jim Veneman 5/4/04 | 1974 | XL
Ryan Schunnemann wields his sword as Macbeth in Macbeth. - Jim Veneman

<i>Macbeth</i> featured elaborate fight choreography. - Photo by Jim Veneman 5/4/04 | 1975 | XL
Macbeth featured elaborate fight choreography. - Jim Veneman

Andy Morris as Macduff fights with Ryan Schunemann as Macbeth in <i>Macbeth</i>. - Photo by Jim Veneman 5/4/04 | 1977 | XL
Andy Morris as Macduff fights with Ryan Schunemann as Macbeth in Macbeth. - Jim Veneman

The final scene from <i>Macbeth</i>. - Photo by Jim Veneman 5/4/04 | 1978 | XL
The final scene from Macbeth. - Jim Veneman