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Student Film Festival: Screening and Awards (Mar 29, 2016) Photos

Chris Blair, professor of communication arts and coordinator of DMS, speaks briefly between films during the 2016 Union Student  Film Festival Awards and Screenings. - Photo by David Parks 3/29/16 | 26532 | XL
Chris Blair, professor of communication arts and coordinator of DMS, speaks briefly between films during the 2016 Union Student Film Festival Awards and Screenings. - David Parks

Christian Al-Hagal, sophomore theatre major, steps on the stage to receive best original score award for his film <i>The Garden</i> during the Union Student Film Festival. - Photo by David Parks 3/29/16 | 26537 | XL
Christian Al-Hagal, sophomore theatre major, steps on the stage to receive best original score award for his film The Garden during the Union Student Film Festival. - David Parks

Josh Stephens, senior digital media studies major, happily accepts best editing award for his film <i>Jean Marie</i> at the 2016 Union Student Film Festival. - Photo by David Parks 3/29/16 | 26538 | XL
Josh Stephens, senior digital media studies major, happily accepts best editing award for his film Jean Marie at the 2016 Union Student Film Festival. - David Parks

Sam Jones, junior digital media major, receives best screenplay award for his film <i>Reunion</i> at the 2016 Union Student Film Festival.  - Photo by David Parks 3/29/16 | 26539 | XL
Sam Jones, junior digital media major, receives best screenplay award for his film Reunion at the 2016 Union Student Film Festival. - David Parks