3/29/16 | 26532 | XL
Chris Blair, professor of communication arts and coordinator of DMS, speaks briefly between films during the 2016 Union Student Film Festival Awards and Screenings. - David Parks
3/29/16 | 26537 | XL
Christian Al-Hagal, sophomore theatre major, steps on the stage to receive best original score award for his film The Garden during the Union Student Film Festival. - David Parks
3/29/16 | 26538 | XL
Josh Stephens, senior digital media studies major, happily accepts best editing award for his film Jean Marie at the 2016 Union Student Film Festival. - David Parks
3/29/16 | 26539 | XL
Sam Jones, junior digital media major, receives best screenplay award for his film Reunion at the 2016 Union Student Film Festival. - David Parks