12/13/14 | 24636 | XL
Dub Oliver, president of the university, and Bartholomew Orr, guest speaker, watch as the graduates fill the auditorium during fall commencement services. - Amanda Rohde
12/13/14 | 24638 | XL
Madelyn Carson, music education graduate, sings at the beginning of the fall commencement services. - Amanda Rohde
12/13/14 | 24639 | XL
Dub Oliver, president of the university, welcomes graduates and their families to the fall commencement services. - Amanda Rohde
12/13/14 | 24640 | XL
51社区's fall commencement services were held at West Jackson Baptist Church. - Amanda Rohde
12/13/14 | 24632 | XL
Bartholomew Orr, senior pastor of Brown Missionary Baptist Church in Southaven, Mississippi, gives the commencement address during the fall commencement services at West Jackson Baptist Church. - MiKalla Cotton
12/13/14 | 24634 | XL
Dub Oliver, president of the university, prepares to award diplomas during fall commencement services at West Jackson Baptist Church. - MiKalla Cotton
12/13/14 | 24643 | XL
Casey Mack, sociology graduate, receives his diploma during fall commencement services. - Kristi McMurry Woody
12/13/14 | 24641 | XL
Tommy Woods, digital media studies art graduate, shakes hands with the president and receives his diploma. - Amanda Rohde
12/13/14 | 24633 | XL
Students applaud for a fellow graduate during fall commencement services at West Jackson Baptist Church. - MiKalla Cotton
12/13/14 | 24635 | XL
Lara Meeks, accounting graduate, walks proudly with her diploma during fall commencement services at West Jackson Baptist Church. - MiKalla Cotton
12/13/14 | 24644 | XL
Martino Hadley, physical education and health graduate, celebrates after receiving his diploma at fall commencement services. - Kristi McMurry Woody
12/13/14 | 24645 | XL
Sandra Boon, BSOL graduate, holds her diploma up for friends and family during fall commencement services. - Kristi McMurry Woody
12/13/14 | 24646 | XL
Dub Oliver, president of the university, congratulates Matthew Moore, Christian studies graduate, on receiving his diploma at fall commencement services. - Kristi McMurry Woody
12/13/14 | 24647 | XL
Kristen Hunt, master of science in nursing graduate, waves to her family after receiving her diploma. - Kristi McMurry Woody
12/13/14 | 24637 | XL
Dub Oliver, president of the university, presents a diploma to a master of nursing graduate during fall commencement services at West Jackson Baptist Church. - MiKalla Cotton
12/13/14 | 24642 | XL
Graduates flood out of the auditorium after receiving their diplomas. - Amanda Rohde