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SGA: Student Senate Meeting (Feb 19, 2014) Photos

David S. Dockery, president of the university, speaks to members of Student Senate.  - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 2/19/14 | 23064 | XL
David S. Dockery, president of the university, speaks to members of Student Senate. - MiKalla Cotton

David S. Dockery, president of the university, takes questions from students about the recent events during a Student Senate meeting. - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 2/19/14 | 23065 | XL
David S. Dockery, president of the university, takes questions from students about the recent events during a Student Senate meeting. - MiKalla Cotton

Morgan Kroeger, junior accounting and spanish double major, announces details about the upcoming Cardinal Ball during a Student Senate meeting in Harvey Auditorium. - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 2/19/14 | 23066 | XL
Morgan Kroeger, junior accounting and spanish double major, announces details about the upcoming Cardinal Ball during a Student Senate meeting in Harvey Auditorium. - MiKalla Cotton