Greek Life: Panhellenic Bid Day (Aug 31, 2013) Photos
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Jenna Ward, junior biology major, shows off her Kappa Delta pride during bid day. - Matt McDaniel
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Katie Longworth, junior nursing major, and Kailin Wilson, sophomore, show some excitement during Panhellenic bid day. - Matt McDaniel
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Katie Tansey, sophomore, holds Maggie Robertson, sophomore nursing major, on her back during bid day. - Matt McDaniel
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Several ladies of Kappa Delta drive up to the Kappa Delta house to join the excitement during Panhellenic bid day. - Matt McDaniel
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The new sorority members sprint to the houses to join their sisters during bid day. - Matt McDaniel
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Hannah Richardson, sophomore biology major, congratulates Mary Mattison Evans, freshman, for becoming a new member of Zeta Tau Alpha at the conclusion of Panhellenic bid day. - Matt McDaniel