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Media, Politics & Democracy Town & Gown: Poe, Thornbury & Fant (Feb 13, 2012) Photos

Hal Poe, Charles Colson Professor of Faith and Culture, delivers a lecture on the "Confessions of a Politician in Remission" at the Town & Gown: Media, Politics, & Democracy series. - Photo by Anne Richoux 2/13/12 | 19607 | XL
Hal Poe, Charles Colson Professor of Faith and Culture, delivers a lecture on the "Confessions of a Politician in Remission" at the Town & Gown: Media, Politics, & Democracy series. - Anne Richoux

Hal Poe, Charles Colson Professor of Faith and Culture, speaks at the Town & Gown: Media, Politics, & Democracy lecture series in Providence Hall.  - Photo by Anne Richoux 2/13/12 | 19608 | XL
Hal Poe, Charles Colson Professor of Faith and Culture, speaks at the Town & Gown: Media, Politics, & Democracy lecture series in Providence Hall. - Anne Richoux

Students, employees, and community members listen as Greg Thornbury, dean of the school of theology and missions and vice president for spiritual life, speaks at the Town & Gown: Media, Politics, & Democracy lecture series.  - Photo by Anne Richoux 2/13/12 | 19609 | XL
Students, employees, and community members listen as Greg Thornbury, dean of the school of theology and missions and vice president for spiritual life, speaks at the Town & Gown: Media, Politics, & Democracy lecture series. - Anne Richoux

Gene Fant, vice president for academic administration and dean of the school of arts and sciences, lectures on "Citizen Journalism: A Historic Tradition Meets Modern Technology" at  the Town & Gown lecture series. - Photo by Anne Richoux 2/13/12 | 19610 | XL
Gene Fant, vice president for academic administration and dean of the school of arts and sciences, lectures on "Citizen Journalism: A Historic Tradition Meets Modern Technology" at the Town & Gown lecture series. - Anne Richoux

Gene Fant, vice president for academic administration and dean of the school of arts and sciences, talks to students, faculty, and community members about citizen journalism at the Town & Gown: Media, Politics, & Democracy lecture series. - Photo by Anne Richoux 2/13/12 | 19611 | XL
Gene Fant, vice president for academic administration and dean of the school of arts and sciences, talks to students, faculty, and community members about citizen journalism at the Town & Gown: Media, Politics, & Democracy lecture series. - Anne Richoux