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Culture & Crisis Town & Gown: Donald Jordan (Nov 15, 2011) Photos

Donald Jordan, mental health clinician for West Tennessee Healthcare and community developer and trainer for Area Relief Ministries, speaks during the Town and Gown lecture series on "The Congregation as Expert: A New Way Forward."  - Photo by Jacob Moore 11/15/11 | 19166 | XL
Donald Jordan, mental health clinician for West Tennessee Healthcare and community developer and trainer for Area Relief Ministries, speaks during the Town and Gown lecture series on "The Congregation as Expert: A New Way Forward." - Jacob Moore

Donald Jordan, mental health clinician for West Tennessee Healthcare and community developer and trainer for Area Relief Ministries, speaks during the Town and Gown lecture series on "The Congregation as Expert: A New Way Forward."  - Photo by Jacob Moore 11/15/11 | 19167 | XL
Donald Jordan, mental health clinician for West Tennessee Healthcare and community developer and trainer for Area Relief Ministries, speaks during the Town and Gown lecture series on "The Congregation as Expert: A New Way Forward." - Jacob Moore