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Photo Project

Focus: New Student Orientation (Aug 19, 2011) Photos

Robert Fryman, junior business management major, and fellow life group leader, Amelia Krauss, junior journalism major, welcome freshmen onto Union's campus during New Student Move-in.  - Photo by Ebbie Davis 8/19/11 | 18111 | XL
Robert Fryman, junior business management major, and fellow life group leader, Amelia Krauss, junior journalism major, welcome freshmen onto Union's campus during New Student Move-in. - Ebbie Davis

John Longworth (left), class of 1987, Sandra Longworth, class of 1986, talk with other Union alumni, Jimmy Graves, class of 1989, and Jennifer Graves, class of 1988, during the freshmen picnic in Brewer Dining Hall. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/19/11 | 18118 | XL
John Longworth (left), class of 1987, Sandra Longworth, class of 1986, talk with other Union alumni, Jimmy Graves, class of 1989, and Jennifer Graves, class of 1988, during the freshmen picnic in Brewer Dining Hall. - Deanna Santangelo

Anna Frederick (center left) talks with Kathryn Feathers and her parents, Cindy and Kenneth Feathers, during the freshmen picnic in the Brewer Dining Hall. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/19/11 | 18119 | XL
Anna Frederick (center left) talks with Kathryn Feathers and her parents, Cindy and Kenneth Feathers, during the freshmen picnic in the Brewer Dining Hall. - Deanna Santangelo

Kathy Southall (center), director of intercessory prayer and encouragement, has dinner with incoming students and their families during the freshmen picnic in the Brewer Dining Hall. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/19/11 | 18120 | XL
Kathy Southall (center), director of intercessory prayer and encouragement, has dinner with incoming students and their families during the freshmen picnic in the Brewer Dining Hall. - Deanna Santangelo

New students and their families enjoy dinner during the freshmen picnic in the Brewer Dining Hall. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/19/11 | 18121 | XL
New students and their families enjoy dinner during the freshmen picnic in the Brewer Dining Hall. - Deanna Santangelo

Zach McMillan, sophmore intercultural studies major, starts a flashmob in the Brewer Dining Hall to promote Lifegroups to new students. - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/20/11 | 18150 | XL
Zach McMillan, sophmore intercultural studies major, starts a flashmob in the Brewer Dining Hall to promote Lifegroups to new students. - Zac Calvert

Lifegroup leaders perform a flashmob in the Brewer Dining Hall for the new students.  - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/20/11 | 18151 | XL
Lifegroup leaders perform a flashmob in the Brewer Dining Hall for the new students. - Zac Calvert

Ben Wright, sophomore dms major, dresses up for a Lifegroup leader flashmob in the Brewer Dining Hall.  - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/20/11 | 18152 | XL
Ben Wright, sophomore dms major, dresses up for a Lifegroup leader flashmob in the Brewer Dining Hall. - Zac Calvert

David S. Dockery, president of the university, welcomes new students and their families during a time of worship in the GM Savage Memorial Chapel. - Photo by Jacob Moore 8/19/11 | 18123 | XL
David S. Dockery, president of the university, welcomes new students and their families during a time of worship in the GM Savage Memorial Chapel. - Jacob Moore

Lanese Dockery, first lady of the university, joins faculty and staff in reciting words of consecration during a time of worship for new students and their families in the GM Savage Memorial Chapel. - Photo by Jacob Moore 8/19/11 | 18124 | XL
Lanese Dockery, first lady of the university, joins faculty and staff in reciting words of consecration during a time of worship for new students and their families in the GM Savage Memorial Chapel. - Jacob Moore

Natalie Wittman, senior English major, and T.J. Hester, senior philosophy major, lead music in the GM Savage Memorial Chapel during a service for new students and their families. - Photo by Jacob Moore 8/19/11 | 18125 | XL
Natalie Wittman, senior English major, and T.J. Hester, senior philosophy major, lead music in the GM Savage Memorial Chapel during a service for new students and their families. - Jacob Moore

Greg Thornbury, dean of the school of theology and missions, speaks on "The Wisdom of the Egyptians" during a time of worship for new students and their families in the GM Savage Memorial Chapel. - Photo by Jacob Moore 8/19/11 | 18126 | XL
Greg Thornbury, dean of the school of theology and missions, speaks on "The Wisdom of the Egyptians" during a time of worship for new students and their families in the GM Savage Memorial Chapel. - Jacob Moore

Greg Thornbury, dean of the school of theology and missions, speaks on "The Wisdom of the Egyptians" during a time of worship for new students and their families in the GM Savage Memorial Chapel. - Photo by Jacob Moore 8/19/11 | 18127 | XL
Greg Thornbury, dean of the school of theology and missions, speaks on "The Wisdom of the Egyptians" during a time of worship for new students and their families in the GM Savage Memorial Chapel. - Jacob Moore

Greg Thornbury, dean of the school of theology and missions, speaks on "The Wisdom of the Egyptians" during a time of worship for new students and their families in the GM Savage Memorial Chapel. - Photo by Jacob Moore 8/19/11 | 18128 | XL
Greg Thornbury, dean of the school of theology and missions, speaks on "The Wisdom of the Egyptians" during a time of worship for new students and their families in the GM Savage Memorial Chapel. - Jacob Moore

New students and their families join hands during a prayer over the new students and the beginning of their college experience in the GM Savage Memorial Chapel. - Photo by Jacob Moore 8/19/11 | 18130 | XL
New students and their families join hands during a prayer over the new students and the beginning of their college experience in the GM Savage Memorial Chapel. - Jacob Moore

Families spend time together at the end of the New Student and Parent Worship Service in the GM Savage Memorial Chapel. - Photo by Jacob Moore 8/19/11 | 18131 | XL
Families spend time together at the end of the New Student and Parent Worship Service in the GM Savage Memorial Chapel. - Jacob Moore

Kimberly Thornbury, dean of students, talks with Katherine Magnuson, Haaken Magnuson, freshman biology major, and Autumn Hitt, freshman piano performance major, after a time of worship for new students and their families. - Photo by Jacob Moore 8/19/11 | 18132 | XL
Kimberly Thornbury, dean of students, talks with Katherine Magnuson, Haaken Magnuson, freshman biology major, and Autumn Hitt, freshman piano performance major, after a time of worship for new students and their families. - Jacob Moore

Freshman Elizabeth Hill gives her parents, Tom and Debbie Hill, a goodbye hug  after a time of worship for new students and their families. - Photo by Jacob Moore 8/19/11 | 18133 | XL
Freshman Elizabeth Hill gives her parents, Tom and Debbie Hill, a goodbye hug after a time of worship for new students and their families. - Jacob Moore

Sam Ritter, senior music major, plays the organ for a skit performed at the annual Focus Show. - Photo by Ebbie Davis 8/19/11 | 18134 | XL
Sam Ritter, senior music major, plays the organ for a skit performed at the annual Focus Show. - Ebbie Davis

Focus leaders entertain the incoming freshmen at their annual Focus Show, by acting out skits and singing songs.  - Photo by Ebbie Davis 8/19/11 | 18135 | XL
Focus leaders entertain the incoming freshmen at their annual Focus Show, by acting out skits and singing songs. - Ebbie Davis

Focus leaders, Mazie Walthall and Lucus Littleton act out motions to the song "Butterfly Kisses" at the annual Focus Show. - Photo by Ebbie Davis 8/19/11 | 18136 | XL
Focus leaders, Mazie Walthall and Lucus Littleton act out motions to the song "Butterfly Kisses" at the annual Focus Show. - Ebbie Davis

Focus leaders entertain the incoming freshmen at their annual Focus Show, by acting out skits and singing songs.  - Photo by Ebbie Davis 8/19/11 | 18137 | XL
Focus leaders entertain the incoming freshmen at their annual Focus Show, by acting out skits and singing songs. - Ebbie Davis

Focus leaders entertain the incoming freshmen at their annual Focus Show. - Photo by Ebbie Davis 8/19/11 | 18138 | XL
Focus leaders entertain the incoming freshmen at their annual Focus Show. - Ebbie Davis

John Dawson, senior social work major, dances down the aisle during the Focus Show. - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/19/11 | 18140 | XL
John Dawson, senior social work major, dances down the aisle during the Focus Show. - Zac Calvert

Joey Davis, sophmore focus leader, and Megan Coley, junior elementary education, entertain at the annual Focus Show. - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/19/11 | 18141 | XL
Joey Davis, sophmore focus leader, and Megan Coley, junior elementary education, entertain at the annual Focus Show. - Zac Calvert

Megan Coley, junior elementary education, Mazie Walthall, senior nursing major, and Andi Schreiber, senior family studies, do a skit with shaving cream at the annual Focus Show. - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/19/11 | 18142 | XL
Megan Coley, junior elementary education, Mazie Walthall, senior nursing major, and Andi Schreiber, senior family studies, do a skit with shaving cream at the annual Focus Show. - Zac Calvert

Kristen Tisdale, senior nursing major, does a skit with peanut butter at the annual Focus Show.  - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/19/11 | 18143 | XL
Kristen Tisdale, senior nursing major, does a skit with peanut butter at the annual Focus Show. - Zac Calvert

TJ Simpson, freshman, is interviewed by Andy Seaton, senior Christian studies major, during the annual Focus Show. - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/19/11 | 18144 | XL
TJ Simpson, freshman, is interviewed by Andy Seaton, senior Christian studies major, during the annual Focus Show. - Zac Calvert

Andy Seaton, senior Christian studies major, and Mandisa Wofford, senior economics major, perform a skit at the annual Focus Show.  - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/19/11 | 18145 | XL
Andy Seaton, senior Christian studies major, and Mandisa Wofford, senior economics major, perform a skit at the annual Focus Show. - Zac Calvert

Women of Chi Omega perform a skit at the annual Focus Show.  - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/19/11 | 18146 | XL
Women of Chi Omega perform a skit at the annual Focus Show. - Zac Calvert

Shea Wingate, sophmore focus leader, performs in a skit for the new freshmen class at the annual Focus Show.  - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/19/11 | 18147 | XL
Shea Wingate, sophmore focus leader, performs in a skit for the new freshmen class at the annual Focus Show. - Zac Calvert

Andy Seaton, senior Christian studies major, and Mandisa Wofford, senior economics major, perform at the annual Focus Show.  - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/19/11 | 18148 | XL
Andy Seaton, senior Christian studies major, and Mandisa Wofford, senior economics major, perform at the annual Focus Show. - Zac Calvert

Abigail Ebensberger, junior Christian studies major, dresses up and entertains at the annual Focus Show.  - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/19/11 | 18149 | XL
Abigail Ebensberger, junior Christian studies major, dresses up and entertains at the annual Focus Show. - Zac Calvert

Focus leaders prepare to lead new freshmen around Jackson to show them the area during Focus week.  - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/20/11 | 18153 | XL
Focus leaders prepare to lead new freshmen around Jackson to show them the area during Focus week. - Zac Calvert

Freshmen Steven Clement, computer science major, and Grant Wilson, business marketing major, talk together during Focus week. - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/20/11 | 18155 | XL
Freshmen Steven Clement, computer science major, and Grant Wilson, business marketing major, talk together during Focus week. - Zac Calvert

Freshmen participate in group activities during Focus week. - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/20/11 | 18156 | XL
Freshmen participate in group activities during Focus week. - Zac Calvert

New freshmen circle up around the fountain for games during Focus week. - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/20/11 | 18157 | XL
New freshmen circle up around the fountain for games during Focus week. - Zac Calvert

Kirby Lewis, junior chemistry major, helps freshmen in a rolling chair race during Focus week. - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/20/11 | 18159 | XL
Kirby Lewis, junior chemistry major, helps freshmen in a rolling chair race during Focus week. - Zac Calvert

Karli Schumaker, freshman pre-med major, plays in a rolling chair race with her focus group during Focus week. - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/20/11 | 18160 | XL
Karli Schumaker, freshman pre-med major, plays in a rolling chair race with her focus group during Focus week. - Zac Calvert

Freshmen Caleb Thompson, Grant Wilson, and Joey Moore talk with Lanese Dockery, first lady of the university, outside of her home during the annual ice cream social for new students.  - Photo by Jacob Moore 8/20/11 | 18161 | XL
Freshmen Caleb Thompson, Grant Wilson, and Joey Moore talk with Lanese Dockery, first lady of the university, outside of her home during the annual ice cream social for new students. - Jacob Moore

Greg Thornbury, dean of the school of theology and missions, and his daughter join new students in a game of "duck, duck, goose" during the annual ice cream social. - Photo by Jacob Moore 8/20/11 | 18162 | XL
Greg Thornbury, dean of the school of theology and missions, and his daughter join new students in a game of "duck, duck, goose" during the annual ice cream social. - Jacob Moore

David S. Dockery, president of the university, shakes hands with freshman Kael Moore during an ice cream social held outside the Dockery's home. - Photo by Jacob Moore 8/20/11 | 18163 | XL
David S. Dockery, president of the university, shakes hands with freshman Kael Moore during an ice cream social held outside the Dockery's home. - Jacob Moore

David S. Dockery, president of the university, shakes hands with freshman John Lutz during an ice cream social held outside the Dockery's home. - Photo by Jacob Moore 8/20/11 | 18164 | XL
David S. Dockery, president of the university, shakes hands with freshman John Lutz during an ice cream social held outside the Dockery's home. - Jacob Moore

New students are served ice cream by faculty and staff members outside the home of David and Lanese Dockery during the annual ice cream social. - Photo by Jacob Moore 8/20/11 | 18165 | XL
New students are served ice cream by faculty and staff members outside the home of David and Lanese Dockery during the annual ice cream social. - Jacob Moore

Freshmen Tim Zornes, Emma Barnett, Madi Hanks, Chamara Hamiliton-Corley and Cedric Townsend talk together during the annual ice cream social at the home of David and Lanese Dockery. - Photo by Jacob Moore 8/20/11 | 18166 | XL
Freshmen Tim Zornes, Emma Barnett, Madi Hanks, Chamara Hamiliton-Corley and Cedric Townsend talk together during the annual ice cream social at the home of David and Lanese Dockery. - Jacob Moore

Lucas Littleton, senior biology major, looks for a teammate to pass a frisbee to during the annual ice cream social outside the home of David and Lanese Dockery. - Photo by Jacob Moore 8/20/11 | 18167 | XL
Lucas Littleton, senior biology major, looks for a teammate to pass a frisbee to during the annual ice cream social outside the home of David and Lanese Dockery. - Jacob Moore

New students enjoy a game of Frisbee during the annual ice cream social outside the home of David and Lanese Dockery. - Photo by Jacob Moore 8/20/11 | 18168 | XL
New students enjoy a game of Frisbee during the annual ice cream social outside the home of David and Lanese Dockery. - Jacob Moore

Julie Powell, associate professor of sport management, talks with Casie Logan, freshman pews major, during Dinner with your Department in the Carl Grant Event Center. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/20/11 | 18169 | XL
Julie Powell, associate professor of sport management, talks with Casie Logan, freshman pews major, during Dinner with your Department in the Carl Grant Event Center. - Deanna Santangelo

Chris Blair, associate professor of communication arts, talks with new student during Dinner with your Department in the Carl Grant Event Center. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/20/11 | 18171 | XL
Chris Blair, associate professor of communication arts, talks with new student during Dinner with your Department in the Carl Grant Event Center. - Deanna Santangelo

Ann Singleton, associate dean of education, talks with Allie Fuqua, freshman special education major, during Dinner with your Department in the Carl Grant Event Center. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/20/11 | 18173 | XL
Ann Singleton, associate dean of education, talks with Allie Fuqua, freshman special education major, during Dinner with your Department in the Carl Grant Event Center. - Deanna Santangelo

Haelim Allen, assistant professor of art, and Melinda Posey, assistant professor of art, talk with new art students during Dinner with your Department in the Carl Grant Event Center. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/20/11 | 18174 | XL
Haelim Allen, assistant professor of art, and Melinda Posey, assistant professor of art, talk with new art students during Dinner with your Department in the Carl Grant Event Center. - Deanna Santangelo

Jim Veneman, assistant professor of communication arts, talks with new students during Dinner with your Department in the Carl Grant Event Center. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/20/11 | 18175 | XL
Jim Veneman, assistant professor of communication arts, talks with new students during Dinner with your Department in the Carl Grant Event Center. - Deanna Santangelo

Ashley Blair, assistant professor of communication arts, talks with new students during Dinner with your Department in the Carl Grant Event Center. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/20/11 | 18177 | XL
Ashley Blair, assistant professor of communication arts, talks with new students during Dinner with your Department in the Carl Grant Event Center. - Deanna Santangelo

Ben Mitchell, Graves professor of moral philosophy, talks with new students during Dinner with your Department in the Carl Grant Event Center. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/20/11 | 18178 | XL
Ben Mitchell, Graves professor of moral philosophy, talks with new students during Dinner with your Department in the Carl Grant Event Center. - Deanna Santangelo

Georg Pingen, assistant professor of engineering, talks with Casey Withers, freshman engineering major, during Dinner with your Department in the Carl Grant Event Center. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/20/11 | 18179 | XL
Georg Pingen, assistant professor of engineering, talks with Casey Withers, freshman engineering major, during Dinner with your Department in the Carl Grant Event Center. - Deanna Santangelo

Andrew Tiger, professor of management, talks with Noah Moyers, freshman business major, during Dinner with your Department in the Carl Grant Event Center. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/20/11 | 18181 | XL
Andrew Tiger, professor of management, talks with Noah Moyers, freshman business major, during Dinner with your Department in the Carl Grant Event Center. - Deanna Santangelo

Focus leader Andi Schreiber has her photo made with David S. Dockery, president of the university, during the annual ice cream social. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/20/11 | 18221 | XL
Focus leader Andi Schreiber has her photo made with David S. Dockery, president of the university, during the annual ice cream social. - Morris Abernathy

Students are greeted by David S. Dockery, president of the university, as they arrive for the annual ice cream social hosted by the Dockerys. More than 350 students attended the event.  - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/20/11 | 18204 | XL
Students are greeted by David S. Dockery, president of the university, as they arrive for the annual ice cream social hosted by the Dockerys. More than 350 students attended the event. - Morris Abernathy

More than 350 students enjoy an ice cream social held at the home of David and Lanese Dockery.  - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/20/11 | 18206 | XL
More than 350 students enjoy an ice cream social held at the home of David and Lanese Dockery. - Morris Abernathy

Kimberly Thornbury, vice president for student services and dean of students, serves ice cream to students at the ice cream social held at the Dockery's home. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/20/11 | 18207 | XL
Kimberly Thornbury, vice president for student services and dean of students, serves ice cream to students at the ice cream social held at the Dockery's home. - Morris Abernathy

David and Lanese Dockery, president and first lady of the university, host several new students at their home for an ice cream social.  - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/20/11 | 18208 | XL
David and Lanese Dockery, president and first lady of the university, host several new students at their home for an ice cream social. - Morris Abernathy

Courtney and Josh Clarke help serve students ice cream at the annual ice cream social held at the home of David and Lanese Dockery.  - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/20/11 | 18209 | XL
Courtney and Josh Clarke help serve students ice cream at the annual ice cream social held at the home of David and Lanese Dockery. - Morris Abernathy

New Union students play games and have ice cream at the annual ice cream social held at the Dockery's home.  - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/20/11 | 18217 | XL
New Union students play games and have ice cream at the annual ice cream social held at the Dockery's home. - Morris Abernathy

David S. Dockery, president of the university, greets new students at the ice cream social held at his home. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/20/11 | 18218 | XL
David S. Dockery, president of the university, greets new students at the ice cream social held at his home. - Morris Abernathy

New students enjoy games and ice cream at the annual ice cream social hosted by the Dockerys. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 8/20/11 | 18219 | XL
New students enjoy games and ice cream at the annual ice cream social hosted by the Dockerys. - Morris Abernathy

Ben Wright, sophomore dms major, bangs on a drum during the LifeGroup presentations for new students.  - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/21/11 | 18182 | XL
Ben Wright, sophomore dms major, bangs on a drum during the LifeGroup presentations for new students. - Deanna Santangelo

Chelsea Meiss, freshman sociology and intercultural studies major, has her face painted by Ellen Cline, sophomore art major, during the LifeGroup presentations for new students. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/21/11 | 18183 | XL
Chelsea Meiss, freshman sociology and intercultural studies major, has her face painted by Ellen Cline, sophomore art major, during the LifeGroup presentations for new students. - Deanna Santangelo

Eli Joiner (center), freshman pre-med major, shoots an arrow in a game during the LifeGroup presentations for new students.  - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/21/11 | 18184 | XL
Eli Joiner (center), freshman pre-med major, shoots an arrow in a game during the LifeGroup presentations for new students. - Deanna Santangelo

Amelia Krauss, junior journalism major, talks with Nick Flemming, freshman theatre and speech major, during the LifeGroup presentations for new students. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/21/11 | 18185 | XL
Amelia Krauss, junior journalism major, talks with Nick Flemming, freshman theatre and speech major, during the LifeGroup presentations for new students. - Deanna Santangelo

Olivia Wallace, sophomore elementary education major, hands out Hersey kisses during the LifeGroup presentations for new students.  - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/21/11 | 18186 | XL
Olivia Wallace, sophomore elementary education major, hands out Hersey kisses during the LifeGroup presentations for new students. - Deanna Santangelo

Wil Sloan (right), junior history major, mingles with incoming freshmen  during the LifeGroup presentations to new students. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/21/11 | 18191 | XL
Wil Sloan (right), junior history major, mingles with incoming freshmen during the LifeGroup presentations to new students. - Deanna Santangelo

Lauren Reeves, senior social work major, laughs with students during the LifeGroup presentations. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/21/11 | 18190 | XL
Lauren Reeves, senior social work major, laughs with students during the LifeGroup presentations. - Deanna Santangelo

Sarah Parks, junior athletic training major, times students as they do push-ups during the LifeGroup presentations. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/21/11 | 18189 | XL
Sarah Parks, junior athletic training major, times students as they do push-ups during the LifeGroup presentations. - Deanna Santangelo

Jeremy Isbell, junior music major, talks with Caleb Thompson, freshman biblical studies major, during the LifeGroup presentations in the Fred DeLay Gymnasium.  - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/21/11 | 18188 | XL
Jeremy Isbell, junior music major, talks with Caleb Thompson, freshman biblical studies major, during the LifeGroup presentations in the Fred DeLay Gymnasium. - Deanna Santangelo

Madelyn Carson, sophomore music major, talks with students during the LifeGroup presentations in the Fred DeLay Gymnasium.  - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 8/21/11 | 18187 | XL
Madelyn Carson, sophomore music major, talks with students during the LifeGroup presentations in the Fred DeLay Gymnasium. - Deanna Santangelo

Chelsea Gwaltney, freshman nursing major, has fun at the annual SAC Game Show.   - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/21/11 | 18192 | XL
Chelsea Gwaltney, freshman nursing major, has fun at the annual SAC Game Show. - Zac Calvert

Students have fun at the annual SAC Game Show.  - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/21/11 | 18193 | XL
Students have fun at the annual SAC Game Show. - Zac Calvert

Kathryn Moore, junior public relations major, participates at the annual SAC Game Show.  - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/21/11 | 18194 | XL
Kathryn Moore, junior public relations major, participates at the annual SAC Game Show. - Zac Calvert

Johnathan Doumar, freshman engineering major, plays in the annual SAC Game Show.  - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/21/11 | 18195 | XL
Johnathan Doumar, freshman engineering major, plays in the annual SAC Game Show. - Zac Calvert

Jessica Douglas, Spencer Connatser, and Mckenzie Dorris host the annual SAC Game Show modeled after Let's Make a Deal. - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/21/11 | 18196 | XL
Jessica Douglas, Spencer Connatser, and Mckenzie Dorris host the annual SAC Game Show modeled after Let's Make a Deal. - Zac Calvert

Spencer Connatser, senior youth ministry major, hosts one of the games during the annual SAC Game Show, Let's Make a Deal. - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/21/11 | 18197 | XL
Spencer Connatser, senior youth ministry major, hosts one of the games during the annual SAC Game Show, Let's Make a Deal. - Zac Calvert

Sam Ritter, senior music major, celebrates his birthday at the annual SAC Game Show. - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/21/11 | 18198 | XL
Sam Ritter, senior music major, celebrates his birthday at the annual SAC Game Show. - Zac Calvert

James Watlington, freshman media communications major, plays in the annual SAC Game Show.  - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/21/11 | 18199 | XL
James Watlington, freshman media communications major, plays in the annual SAC Game Show. - Zac Calvert

Kimberly Thornbury, vice president for student services and dean of students, mingles at the Student Activity Fair held in the Penick Academic Center, allowing the new students to get involved with campus life.  - Photo by Ebbie Davis 8/21/11 | 18237 | XL
Kimberly Thornbury, vice president for student services and dean of students, mingles at the Student Activity Fair held in the Penick Academic Center, allowing the new students to get involved with campus life. - Ebbie Davis

Lily Coursey, junior elementary education major, encourages incoming freshman girls to rush during Greek recruitment at the Student Activity Fair. - Photo by Ebbie Davis 8/21/11 | 18238 | XL
Lily Coursey, junior elementary education major, encourages incoming freshman girls to rush during Greek recruitment at the Student Activity Fair. - Ebbie Davis

New students mingle at the Student Activity Fair held in the Penick Academic Center, allowing the new students to get involved with campus life.  - Photo by Ebbie Davis 8/21/11 | 18239 | XL
New students mingle at the Student Activity Fair held in the Penick Academic Center, allowing the new students to get involved with campus life. - Ebbie Davis

Ryan Griffin, staff assistant, hands out snacks to the incoming freshman class at the Student Activity Fair. - Photo by Ebbie Davis 8/21/11 | 18240 | XL
Ryan Griffin, staff assistant, hands out snacks to the incoming freshman class at the Student Activity Fair. - Ebbie Davis

Life Group leaders encourage incoming freshmen to sign up for Life Groups at the Student Activity Fair. - Photo by Ebbie Davis 8/21/11 | 18241 | XL
Life Group leaders encourage incoming freshmen to sign up for Life Groups at the Student Activity Fair. - Ebbie Davis

Freshmen attend a lecture by Jane Betts about Academic Services during Freshmen Focus.  - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/22/11 | 18222 | XL
Freshmen attend a lecture by Jane Betts about Academic Services during Freshmen Focus. - Zac Calvert

Kurtis Gallop, freshman spanish major, along with other new freshmen, attend sessions about academic services during Freshmen Focus. - Photo by Zac Calvert 8/22/11 | 18223 | XL
Kurtis Gallop, freshman spanish major, along with other new freshmen, attend sessions about academic services during Freshmen Focus. - Zac Calvert

Freshmen students get ready to play a game of "Ninja" on the Great Lawn during the Howdy Party. - Photo by Jacob Moore 8/22/11 | 18232 | XL
Freshmen students get ready to play a game of "Ninja" on the Great Lawn during the Howdy Party. - Jacob Moore

The ladies of Kappa Delta mingle with incoming freshmen at the Student Activity Fair held in the Penick Academic Center, inviting the new students to get involved with campus life.  - Photo by Ebbie Davis 8/22/11 | 18233 | XL
The ladies of Kappa Delta mingle with incoming freshmen at the Student Activity Fair held in the Penick Academic Center, inviting the new students to get involved with campus life. - Ebbie Davis

The incoming freshman class mingle at the Student Activity Fair held in the Penick Academic Center, allowing the new students to get involved with campus life.  - Photo by Ebbie Davis 8/22/11 | 18234 | XL
The incoming freshman class mingle at the Student Activity Fair held in the Penick Academic Center, allowing the new students to get involved with campus life. - Ebbie Davis

The incoming freshman class mingle at the Student Activity Fair held in the Penick Academic Center, allowing the new students to get involved with campus life.  - Photo by Ebbie Davis 8/22/11 | 18236 | XL
The incoming freshman class mingle at the Student Activity Fair held in the Penick Academic Center, allowing the new students to get involved with campus life. - Ebbie Davis