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Germantown Five Year Anniversary Reception (Sep 24, 2002) Photos

The Germantown Campus celebrated their five year anniversary with a reception open to faculty, staff and students who have helped this campus become a success.  - Photo by Sara Horn 9/24/02 | 426 | XL
The Germantown Campus celebrated their five year anniversary with a reception open to faculty, staff and students who have helped this campus become a success. - Sara Horn

Trustee Bob Campbell (center) speaks with Gary Carter (right), Union's senior vice president for business affairs and Trustee Harry Smith (left) at the Germantown Five Year Anniversary Reception. - Photo by Sara Horn 9/24/02 | 423 | XL
Trustee Bob Campbell (center) speaks with Gary Carter (right), Union's senior vice president for business affairs and Trustee Harry Smith (left) at the Germantown Five Year Anniversary Reception. - Sara Horn

Steve Arendall, director of the MBA program in Germantown, speaks with MBA student Joel Nichols at the Germantown Five Year Anniversary Reception. - Photo by Sara Horn 9/24/02 | 422 | XL
Steve Arendall, director of the MBA program in Germantown, speaks with MBA student Joel Nichols at the Germantown Five Year Anniversary Reception. - Sara Horn

Nancy Easley (center), director of graduate studies in education on the Germantown campus introduces her mother Bea Maulden (left) to Ann Singleton, chair of the education department at the Germantown Five Year Anniversary Reception. - Photo by Sara Horn 9/24/02 | 424 | XL
Nancy Easley (center), director of graduate studies in education on the Germantown campus introduces her mother Bea Maulden (left) to Ann Singleton, chair of the education department at the Germantown Five Year Anniversary Reception. - Sara Horn

Students from the Germantown campus fellowship at the Germantown Five Year Anniversary Reception. - Photo by Sara Horn 9/24/02 | 427 | XL
Students from the Germantown campus fellowship at the Germantown Five Year Anniversary Reception. - Sara Horn