Career Services: Etiquette Luncheon (May 3, 2007) Photos
5/3/07 | 7670 | XL
The President's Dining Room was the setting for Career Services' Etiquette Luncheon. - Morris Abernathy
5/3/07 | 7671 | XL
Ellen Carrington and Ryan Hill prepare to learn proper etiquette during Career Services' Etiquette Luncheon. - Morris Abernathy
5/3/07 | 7672 | XL
The set table for the Etiquette Luncheon. - Morris Abernathy
5/3/07 | 7673 | XL
Steven Goodin learns how to properly hold a fork during Career Services' Etiquette Luncheon. - Morris Abernathy
5/3/07 | 7675 | XL
Kathy Southall, Katie Daniels, Drew Zimmer and Anika Schulte patiently wait for the start the Etiquette Luncheon. - Morris Abernathy
5/3/07 | 7676 | XL
Chef Greg prepares the desserts for the Etiquette Luncheon. - Morris Abernathy
5/3/07 | 7677 | XL
First Lady Lanese Dockery leads Career Services' Etiquette Luncheon. - Morris Abernathy
5/3/07 | 7679 | XL
First Lady Lanese Dockery demonstrates an eating technique with Senior Landon Preston during Career Services' Etiquette Luncheon. - Morris Abernathy
5/3/07 | 7678 | XL
Career Services' Renee Jones demonstrates an eating technique during the Etiquette Luncheon. - Morris Abernathy
5/3/07 | 7674 | XL
Gina Orosz enjoys a salad during Career Services' Etiquette Luncheon. - Morris Abernathy