3/13/06 | 5801 | XL
Juniors Candace Todd and Laura Dancy enjoy being able to color on the table during Mochafee, an annual student event in the McAfee commons. - Kristen Nicole Sayres
3/13/06 | 5800 | XL
Cody King takes time to study among all the comotion during Mochafee in the McAfee commons. - Kristen Nicole Sayres
3/13/06 | 5802 | XL
Students gather in the McAfee commons for the annual Mochafee coffee house to enjoy hot drinks and performances by Union musicians such as Freshman Stephen Lynch. - Kristen Nicole Sayres
3/13/06 | 5803 | XL
Students gather in McAfee commons for the annual Mochafee coffee house to enjoy hot drinks and performances by Union musicians such as Freshman Stephen Lynch. - Kristen Nicole Sayres
3/13/06 | 5804 | XL
Sophomore Tyler Whetstone draws on the table cloth, while Juniors Ben Lancaster and Emily Orten watch during Mochafee, McAfee's annual coffee house. - Kristen Nicole Sayres
3/13/06 | 5805 | XL
Kimberly Castleman and Josh Wilkenson study and enjoy music together during Mochafee. - Kristen Nicole Sayres