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Photo Project

Mochafee (Mar 13, 2006) Photos

Juniors Candace Todd and Laura Dancy enjoy being able to color on the table during Mochafee, an annual student event in the McAfee commons. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 3/13/06 | 5801 | XL
Juniors Candace Todd and Laura Dancy enjoy being able to color on the table during Mochafee, an annual student event in the McAfee commons. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Cody King takes time to study among all the comotion during Mochafee in the McAfee commons.  - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 3/13/06 | 5800 | XL
Cody King takes time to study among all the comotion during Mochafee in the McAfee commons. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Students gather in the McAfee commons for the annual Mochafee coffee house to enjoy hot drinks and  performances by Union musicians such as Freshman Stephen Lynch.  - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 3/13/06 | 5802 | XL
Students gather in the McAfee commons for the annual Mochafee coffee house to enjoy hot drinks and performances by Union musicians such as Freshman Stephen Lynch. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Students gather in McAfee commons for the annual Mochafee coffee house to enjoy hot drinks and performances by Union musicians such as Freshman Stephen Lynch. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 3/13/06 | 5803 | XL
Students gather in McAfee commons for the annual Mochafee coffee house to enjoy hot drinks and performances by Union musicians such as Freshman Stephen Lynch. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Sophomore Tyler Whetstone draws on the table cloth, while Juniors Ben Lancaster and Emily Orten watch during Mochafee, McAfee's annual coffee house. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 3/13/06 | 5804 | XL
Sophomore Tyler Whetstone draws on the table cloth, while Juniors Ben Lancaster and Emily Orten watch during Mochafee, McAfee's annual coffee house. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Kimberly Castleman and Josh Wilkenson study and enjoy music together during Mochafee. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 3/13/06 | 5805 | XL
Kimberly Castleman and Josh Wilkenson study and enjoy music together during Mochafee. - Kristen Nicole Sayres