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President's Reception (Sep 3, 2002) Photos

President David S. Dockery and his wife Lanese greet students at the annual President's Reception.  Speaking with Dr. Dockery is Junior Biology major Michael Keifer and speaking with Mrs. Dockery is Freshman Kevin Pratt.
 - Photo by Jim Veneman 9/3/02 | 194 | XL
President David S. Dockery and his wife Lanese greet students at the annual President's Reception. Speaking with Dr. Dockery is Junior Biology major Michael Keifer and speaking with Mrs. Dockery is Freshman Kevin Pratt. - Jim Veneman

Senior Class Treasurer Amy Edge (left) and Senior Class President Casey Stafford (center) greet Director of the R.C. Ryan Center for Biblical Studies, Ray Van Neste at the President's Reception. - Photo by Jim Veneman 9/3/02 | 189 | XL
Senior Class Treasurer Amy Edge (left) and Senior Class President Casey Stafford (center) greet Director of the R.C. Ryan Center for Biblical Studies, Ray Van Neste at the President's Reception. - Jim Veneman

First Lady Lanese Dockery greets Mathematics Professor Chris Hail and his daughter at the President's Reception. - Photo by Jim Veneman 9/3/02 | 190 | XL
First Lady Lanese Dockery greets Mathematics Professor Chris Hail and his daughter at the President's Reception. - Jim Veneman

First Lady Lanese Dockery greets Freshman Andy Morris at the President's Reception. - Photo by Jim Veneman 9/3/02 | 193 | XL
First Lady Lanese Dockery greets Freshman Andy Morris at the President's Reception. - Jim Veneman