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BSN Recognition Ceremony (May 20, 2006) Photos

The School of Nursing laid out their lamps and awards before the BSN Recognition Ceremony. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 5/20/06 | 5385 | XL
The School of Nursing laid out their lamps and awards before the BSN Recognition Ceremony. - Morris Abernathy

Lanna Massey, Union Station associate, congratulates the BSN graduates before their ceremony. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 5/20/06 | 5386 | XL
Lanna Massey, Union Station associate, congratulates the BSN graduates before their ceremony. - Morris Abernathy

BSN graduates gather for their lamplighting and pinning ceremony. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 5/20/06 | 5387 | XL
BSN graduates gather for their lamplighting and pinning ceremony. - Morris Abernathy

The light is started during the BSN lamplighting ceremony. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 5/20/06 | 5388 | XL
The light is started during the BSN lamplighting ceremony. - Morris Abernathy

BSN graduates pass the light from lamp to lamp during the lamplighting ceremony. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 5/20/06 | 5389 | XL
BSN graduates pass the light from lamp to lamp during the lamplighting ceremony. - Morris Abernathy

BSN graduates pass the light from lamp to lamp during the lamplighting ceremony. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 5/20/06 | 5390 | XL
BSN graduates pass the light from lamp to lamp during the lamplighting ceremony. - Morris Abernathy

BSN graduates finish passing the light from lamp to lamp during the lamplighting ceremony. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 5/20/06 | 5391 | XL
BSN graduates finish passing the light from lamp to lamp during the lamplighting ceremony. - Morris Abernathy

The BSN Class of 2006 displays their lamps as they prepare to enter the nursing world. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 5/20/06 | 5392 | XL
The BSN Class of 2006 displays their lamps as they prepare to enter the nursing world. - Morris Abernathy