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SAC sponsored Variety Show - "Down Home Country" (Feb 17, 2006) Photos

Jessica Gillard, Jessica Patten, Christina Manchester, Ben Bailey and Chris Hayden sit in anticipation for Variety Show 2006. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 2/17/06 | 4697 | XL
Jessica Gillard, Jessica Patten, Christina Manchester, Ben Bailey and Chris Hayden sit in anticipation for Variety Show 2006. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Bryan Spillman, Derek Carson and other students begin to gather for Variety Show 2006. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 2/17/06 | 4698 | XL
Bryan Spillman, Derek Carson and other students begin to gather for Variety Show 2006. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Kappa Delta Ashley Diehm arrives for Variety Show to cheer her sorority on to victory. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 2/17/06 | 4699 | XL
Kappa Delta Ashley Diehm arrives for Variety Show to cheer her sorority on to victory. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

The Zetas came dressed and ready for the Variety Show. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 2/17/06 | 4700 | XL
The Zetas came dressed and ready for the Variety Show. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Senior Kathleen Lokey gets excited about the Variety Show. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 2/17/06 | 4701 | XL
Senior Kathleen Lokey gets excited about the Variety Show. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Union's Cheerleaders share some spirit to open the Variety Show. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 2/17/06 | 4702 | XL
Union's Cheerleaders share some spirit to open the Variety Show. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Jason Polk, Austin Clark, Adam Fox, Joel Polk, Bryan Spillman of the small group winning Lamda Chi Alpha perform at the Variety Show. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 2/17/06 | 4703 | XL
Jason Polk, Austin Clark, Adam Fox, Joel Polk, Bryan Spillman of the small group winning Lamda Chi Alpha perform at the Variety Show. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Bryan Spillman and Ross Barnes perform with Lamda Chi during the Variety Show.  Lambda Chi ended up winning the small group category. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 2/17/06 | 4704 | XL
Bryan Spillman and Ross Barnes perform with Lamda Chi during the Variety Show. Lambda Chi ended up winning the small group category. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Ben Rivers of Lamda Chi Alpha performs during the Variety Show. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 2/17/06 | 4705 | XL
Ben Rivers of Lamda Chi Alpha performs during the Variety Show. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Chi Omega peforms a number from <em>The Phantom of the Opera</em> during the Variety Show. - Photo by Stephanny Rodriguez 2/17/06 | 4770 | XL
Chi Omega peforms a number from The Phantom of the Opera during the Variety Show. - Stephanny Rodriguez

Chi Omega performed a number from <em>The Lion King</em> during Variety Show. - Photo by Heather Phillips 2/17/06 | 4683 | XL
Chi Omega performed a number from The Lion King during Variety Show. - Heather Phillips

Chi Omega peformed a number from <em>The Lion King</em> during the Variety Show. - Photo by Stephanny Rodriguez 2/17/06 | 4771 | XL
Chi Omega peformed a number from The Lion King during the Variety Show. - Stephanny Rodriguez

Jada Butler and Ladies of Chi Omega perform a Broadway number during the Variety Show. - Photo by Stephanny Rodriguez 2/17/06 | 4772 | XL
Jada Butler and Ladies of Chi Omega perform a Broadway number during the Variety Show. - Stephanny Rodriguez

Leah Pruitt performs a number from <em>Cats</em> during Chi Omega's performance at Variety Show. - Photo by Heather Phillips 2/17/06 | 4684 | XL
Leah Pruitt performs a number from Cats during Chi Omega's performance at Variety Show. - Heather Phillips

Jada Butler peformed a Broadway number with Chi Omega during Variety Show. - Photo by Heather Phillips 2/17/06 | 4685 | XL
Jada Butler peformed a Broadway number with Chi Omega during Variety Show. - Heather Phillips

SAC President Sai Fellows introduced the next act during the 2006 Variety Show. - Photo by Heather Phillips 2/17/06 | 4686 | XL
SAC President Sai Fellows introduced the next act during the 2006 Variety Show. - Heather Phillips

Stephen Fryrear peformed during the Variety Show. - Photo by Heather Phillips 2/17/06 | 4687 | XL
Stephen Fryrear peformed during the Variety Show. - Heather Phillips

Stephen Fryrear peformed with drumming prodigy Marcus during the Variety Show. - Photo by Heather Phillips 2/17/06 | 4688 | XL
Stephen Fryrear peformed with drumming prodigy Marcus during the Variety Show. - Heather Phillips

Drumming prodigy Marcus could hardly be seen from behind his drum set during the Variety Show. - Photo by Stephanny Rodriguez 2/17/06 | 4773 | XL
Drumming prodigy Marcus could hardly be seen from behind his drum set during the Variety Show. - Stephanny Rodriguez

Drumming prodigy Marcus performed during the Variety Show. - Photo by Heather Phillips 2/17/06 | 4689 | XL
Drumming prodigy Marcus performed during the Variety Show. - Heather Phillips

Kari Mynatt performed with the Zetas during the Variety Show.  Zeta ended up winning the large group category. - Photo by Heather Phillips 2/17/06 | 4690 | XL
Kari Mynatt performed with the Zetas during the Variety Show. Zeta ended up winning the large group category. - Heather Phillips

The Zetas peformed numbers with a Batman theme during the Variety Show. Zeta ended up winning the large group category. - Photo by Heather Phillips 2/17/06 | 4691 | XL
The Zetas peformed numbers with a Batman theme during the Variety Show. Zeta ended up winning the large group category. - Heather Phillips

The Zetas peformed numbers with a Batman theme during the Variety Show. Zeta ended up winning the large group category. - Photo by Heather Phillips 2/17/06 | 4692 | XL
The Zetas peformed numbers with a Batman theme during the Variety Show. Zeta ended up winning the large group category. - Heather Phillips

The Zetas peformed numbers with a Batman theme during the Variety Show. Zeta ended up winning the large group category. - Photo by Stephanny Rodriguez 2/17/06 | 4774 | XL
The Zetas peformed numbers with a Batman theme during the Variety Show. Zeta ended up winning the large group category. - Stephanny Rodriguez

The Zetas peformed numbers with a Batman theme during the Variety Show. Zeta ended up winning the large group category. - Photo by Heather Phillips 2/17/06 | 4693 | XL
The Zetas peformed numbers with a Batman theme during the Variety Show. Zeta ended up winning the large group category. - Heather Phillips

Kari Mynatt and the Zetas peformed numbers with a Batman theme during the Variety Show. Zeta ended up winning the large group category. - Photo by Heather Phillips 2/17/06 | 4694 | XL
Kari Mynatt and the Zetas peformed numbers with a Batman theme during the Variety Show. Zeta ended up winning the large group category. - Heather Phillips

Carson Turner and Emily Watlington from the cast of <em>The Spitfire Grill</em> sang a number from their upcoming theatre production during the Variety Show. - Photo by Stephanny Rodriguez 2/17/06 | 4775 | XL
Carson Turner and Emily Watlington from the cast of The Spitfire Grill sang a number from their upcoming theatre production during the Variety Show. - Stephanny Rodriguez

Andy Morris from the cast of <em>The Spitfire Grill</em> sang a number from the upcoming theatre production during the Variety Show. - Photo by Stephanny Rodriguez 2/17/06 | 4776 | XL
Andy Morris from the cast of The Spitfire Grill sang a number from the upcoming theatre production during the Variety Show. - Stephanny Rodriguez

Bryan Spillman, Adam Fox, Joel Polk and Jason Polk accept the small group prize for Lamda Chi Alpha at the Variety Show. - Photo by Heather Phillips 2/17/06 | 4695 | XL
Bryan Spillman, Adam Fox, Joel Polk and Jason Polk accept the small group prize for Lamda Chi Alpha at the Variety Show. - Heather Phillips