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Christmas Story with Dr. Dockery (and hot apple cider) (Dec 14, 2004) Photos

First Lady Lanese Dockery spoke with students in the McAfee Commons shortly before President Dockery's annual reading of the Christmas story. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 12/14/04 | 2800 | XL
First Lady Lanese Dockery spoke with students in the McAfee Commons shortly before President Dockery's annual reading of the Christmas story. - Morris Abernathy

President Dockery spoke with students in the McAfee Commons shortly before his annual reading of the Christmas story. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 12/14/04 | 2801 | XL
President Dockery spoke with students in the McAfee Commons shortly before his annual reading of the Christmas story. - Morris Abernathy

Each year President Dockery and his wife Lanese gather with students in the McAfee Commons to reflect upon Christmas. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 12/14/04 | 2802 | XL
Each year President Dockery and his wife Lanese gather with students in the McAfee Commons to reflect upon Christmas. - Morris Abernathy

Student in the McAfee Commons listened closely as President Dockery read the Christmas story. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 12/14/04 | 2803 | XL
Student in the McAfee Commons listened closely as President Dockery read the Christmas story. - Morris Abernathy

President Dockery and his wife Lanese gathered with students in the McAfee Commons during his annual reading of <i>The Night Before Christmas</i>. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 12/14/04 | 2804 | XL
President Dockery and his wife Lanese gathered with students in the McAfee Commons during his annual reading of The Night Before Christmas. - Morris Abernathy

President Dockery spent time with students in the McAfee Commons during his annual reading of <i>The Night Before Christmas</i>. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 12/14/04 | 2805 | XL
President Dockery spent time with students in the McAfee Commons during his annual reading of The Night Before Christmas. - Morris Abernathy

President Dockery and his wife Lanese gathered with students in the McAfee Commons during his annual reading of the Christmas story. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 12/14/04 | 2806 | XL
President Dockery and his wife Lanese gathered with students in the McAfee Commons during his annual reading of the Christmas story. - Morris Abernathy

President Dockery and his wife Lanese celebrated Christmas with students in the McAfee Commons during his annual reading of the Christmas story. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 12/14/04 | 2807 | XL
President Dockery and his wife Lanese celebrated Christmas with students in the McAfee Commons during his annual reading of the Christmas story. - Morris Abernathy