Christmas Story with Dr. Dockery (and hot apple cider) (Dec 14, 2004) Photos
12/14/04 | 2800 | XL
First Lady Lanese Dockery spoke with students in the McAfee Commons shortly before President Dockery's annual reading of the Christmas story. - Morris Abernathy
12/14/04 | 2801 | XL
President Dockery spoke with students in the McAfee Commons shortly before his annual reading of the Christmas story. - Morris Abernathy
12/14/04 | 2802 | XL
Each year President Dockery and his wife Lanese gather with students in the McAfee Commons to reflect upon Christmas. - Morris Abernathy
12/14/04 | 2803 | XL
Student in the McAfee Commons listened closely as President Dockery read the Christmas story. - Morris Abernathy
12/14/04 | 2804 | XL
President Dockery and his wife Lanese gathered with students in the McAfee Commons during his annual reading of The Night Before Christmas. - Morris Abernathy
12/14/04 | 2805 | XL
President Dockery spent time with students in the McAfee Commons during his annual reading of The Night Before Christmas. - Morris Abernathy
12/14/04 | 2806 | XL
President Dockery and his wife Lanese gathered with students in the McAfee Commons during his annual reading of the Christmas story. - Morris Abernathy
12/14/04 | 2807 | XL
President Dockery and his wife Lanese celebrated Christmas with students in the McAfee Commons during his annual reading of the Christmas story. - Morris Abernathy