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Theatre: The Battle of Dim Wits (May 5, 2005) Photos

The cast of <i>The Battle of Dimwits</i> prepares to dazzle the audience with their comedic performances. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 5/3/05 | 3110 | XL
The cast of The Battle of Dimwits prepares to dazzle the audience with their comedic performances. - Morris Abernathy

Bryan Robison, Courtney Braswell, Carson Turner and Jill Casey in <i>The Battle of Dimwits</i>. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 5/3/05 | 3107 | XL
Bryan Robison, Courtney Braswell, Carson Turner and Jill Casey in The Battle of Dimwits. - Morris Abernathy

Patrick Myers and Andy Morris in <i>The Battle of Dimwits</i>. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 5/3/05 | 3108 | XL
Patrick Myers and Andy Morris in The Battle of Dimwits. - Morris Abernathy

Allie Campbell and Ben Lancaster in <i>The Battle of Dim Wits</i>. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 5/3/05 | 3109 | XL
Allie Campbell and Ben Lancaster in The Battle of Dim Wits. - Morris Abernathy

Freshman Carson Turner and Senior Danielle Thrower perform in <i>The Battle of Dim Wits</i>. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 5/3/05 | 3445 | XL
Freshman Carson Turner and Senior Danielle Thrower perform in The Battle of Dim Wits. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Senior Ashley Mitchell and Sophomore Josh Wilkinson perform in <i>The Battle of Dim Wits</i>. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 5/3/05 | 3446 | XL
Senior Ashley Mitchell and Sophomore Josh Wilkinson perform in The Battle of Dim Wits. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Sophomore Josh Wilkinson tries to console Senior Ashley Mitchell in <i>The Battle of Dim Wits</i>. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 5/3/05 | 3447 | XL
Sophomore Josh Wilkinson tries to console Senior Ashley Mitchell in The Battle of Dim Wits. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Sophomore Josh Wilkinson tells Freshman Jill Casey of his hunger in <i>The Battle of Dim Wits</i>. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 5/3/05 | 3448 | XL
Sophomore Josh Wilkinson tells Freshman Jill Casey of his hunger in The Battle of Dim Wits. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Freshman Jill Casey gasps as Sophomore Josh Wilkinson passes out in <i>The Battle of Dim Wits</i>. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 5/3/05 | 3449 | XL
Freshman Jill Casey gasps as Sophomore Josh Wilkinson passes out in The Battle of Dim Wits. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Freshman Carson Turner performs in <i>The Battle of Dim Wits</i>. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 5/3/05 | 3450 | XL
Freshman Carson Turner performs in The Battle of Dim Wits. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Senior Ashley Mitchell gasps in terror as Lindsey Young's character declares his love for her in <i>The Battle of Dim Wits</i>. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 5/3/05 | 3451 | XL
Senior Ashley Mitchell gasps in terror as Lindsey Young's character declares his love for her in The Battle of Dim Wits. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Freshman Carson Turner stands amazed at Junior Courtney Braswell's swordsmanship in <i>The Battle of Dim Wits</i>. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 5/3/05 | 3452 | XL
Freshman Carson Turner stands amazed at Junior Courtney Braswell's swordsmanship in The Battle of Dim Wits. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Senior Ashley Mitchell and Junior Courtney Braswell perform in <i>The Battle of Dim Wits</i>. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 5/3/05 | 3453 | XL
Senior Ashley Mitchell and Junior Courtney Braswell perform in The Battle of Dim Wits. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Freshmen Jill Casey and Bryan Robison perform in <i>The Battle of Dim Wits</i>. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 5/3/05 | 3454 | XL
Freshmen Jill Casey and Bryan Robison perform in The Battle of Dim Wits. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Freshmen Brian Robison and Jill Casey perform in <i>The Battle of Dim Wits</i>. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 5/3/05 | 3455 | XL
Freshmen Brian Robison and Jill Casey perform in The Battle of Dim Wits. - Kristen Nicole Sayres