Phil Davignon
Chair and Associate Professor of Sociology
Visit University Profile26 Results
Book(s), Monograph(s) or Book Chapter(s)
See Book Project ProfilePeer-Reviewed Journal Article(s)
- "The Ethnic Church Attendance Gap at Christian Colleges," International Journal of Christianity and Education. (December 2023) (with Kevin Dougherty Perry Glanzer Theodore Cockle)
- "Religious Belief in Christian Higher Education: Is Religious and Political Diversity Relativizing?," Social Compass, 64(3), 404-423. (December 2017) (with Robert A. Thomson)
- "," Journal of College & Character, Vol. 17, iss. 3, 175-189. (August 2016) (with Emily Hunt)
- "," Social Compass, Vol. 63, iss. 2, 268-283. (June 2016)
- "," Religion & Education, vol. 43, iss. 1, 77-94. (September 2015)
- "," Review of Religious Research, Vol. 57, iss. 4, 531-554. (March 2015) (with Robert A. Thomson Jr.)
- "Medical Board Complaints against Physicians Due to Communication: Analysis of North Carolina Medical Board Data, 2002-2012," Journal of Medical Regulation, 100 (2), 28-31. (December 2014) (with Aaron Young Dave Johnson)
- "The Special Purpose Examination: An Evaluation of Physicians Taking SPEX and their Pass Rates," Journal of Medical Regulation, 100(1), 9-14. (December 2014) (with Frances E. Cain Thomas R. Henzel Andrea Ciccone Aaron Young)
- "State Medical Boards' Perceptions of a Minimum Data Set and Current Practices for Collecting Physician Information," Journal of Medical Regulation, 99(4), 40-45. (December 2013) (with Aaron Young Margaret B. Hansen Mark A. Eggen)
- "The Effects of R-rated Movies on Adolescent and Young Adult Religiosity: Media as Self-Socialization," Review of Religious Research, 55(4), 615-28. (December 2013)
- "Religiosity as a Potential Moderator of the Effects of Media on Delinquency," Sociological Spectrum, 33(6), 1-12. (December 2013)
- "Assessing the Denominational Identity of American Evangelical Colleges and Universities, Part III: The Student Experience," Christian Higher Education, 12(5), 315-330. (December 2013) (with Perry L. Glanzer P. Jesse Rine)
- "Assessing the Denominational Identity of American Evangelical Colleges and Universities, Part I: Denominational Patronage and Institutional Inquiry," Christian Higher Education, 12(3), 181-202. (December 2013) (with Perry L. Glanzer P. Jesse Rine)
- "Assessing the Denominational Identity of American Evangelical Colleges and Universities, Part II: Faculty Perspectives and Practices," Christian Higher Education, 12(4), 243-265. (November 2013) (with Jesse P. Rine Perry L. Glanzer)
- "Physician Survey Examining the Impact of an Educational Tool for Responsible Opioid Prescribing," Journal of Opioid Management, 8(2), 81-88. (December 2012) (with Aaron Young Kelly Alfred LaSharn Hughes Lisa Robin Humayun J. Chaudhry)
- "Religious But Still Secular: How Treating Religion as a Virtue Changes the Debate Over Secularization" Society of Catholic Social Scientists annual meeting, Steubenville, OH. (October 2021)
- "The Logos of Social Structure: Communio Theology and Sociology" Society of Catholic Social Scientists annual meeting, Belmont, NC. (October 2018)
- "Joy in Intentional Community" Yale Center for Faith and Culture's Future of Joy and the Good Life conference, New Haven, CT. (August 2018)
- "Re-thinking Causation: Challenging the Positivist Paradigm in Sociology" Mid-South Sociological Association's annual meeting, Chattanooga, TN. (October 2017)
- "Predictors of Moral and Religious Pluralism Among American Adolescents" Southern Sociological Society's annual meeting, Greenville, SC. (March 2017)
- "Critical Realism and Adolescent and Young Adult Religiosity" Christian Sociological Association's annual meeting, Jackson, TN. (June 2016)
- "Religious Identity and Moral Worldviews Among American Adolescents" Association of Christians Teaching Sociology's annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA. (June 2015)
- "Statistics on Medical Discipline" American Association for the History of Medicine's annual meeting, Chicago, IL. (May 2014)
- "Liturgical Music Preferences and Theological Habitus" Southwest Social Science Association's annual meeting, New Orleans, LA. (March 2013)
- "The Challenges of Collecting Data on Freshman Retention" Association of Applied and Clinical Sociology annual meeting , New Orleans, LA. (October 2011)
- "Cultural Broadening Theory Revisited: The Effects of Peers and Media on Adolescent Religiosity " Southwest Social Science Association's annual meeting, Las Vegas, NV. (April 2011)