Program Opportunities
- Weekly Academic Counseling: individualized meetings provide both personal and academic accountability.
- Faculty Interaction: opportunities to explore departmental majors/minors and discipline-specific programs.
- Center for Academic Success: connects students to Supplemental Instruction, Discipline-Specific Study Labs, Peer Tutoring, and other support programs.
- Student Life: directs students to numerous co-curricular resources and support services.
- Orientations: two sessions are provided for parents and students during Summer Orientation and Welcome Week.
- Purposeful Reading Program: incorporates proven strategies to be used during the process of reading college level material.
- Special Events and Activities: Ice Cream/Watermelon Social, Exploring Majors and Minors, Campus & Community Day, Family Weekend Reception, and End of the Year Celebration.
EDU 185 (Keystone): This course will facilitate the development and ownership of personal learning through critically reflective reading, writing, and interaction. The course will examine topics in understanding a syllabus, time management, goal setting, personality assessment, majors/minors exploration, academic requirements and policies, and classroom protocol. The course is a two-credit-hour class.
ENG 111K (fall) and 112K (spring): Two sections of Written Composition I and II are available for students without prior ENG 111 and 112 college credit. This general core class is taught by Dr. Chris Bailey.
Scholarship Opportunity
Keystone offers an opportunity for students to earn scholarships. Each student's eligibility is based on his or her cumulative grade point average (on a 4-point scale) at the end of the second semester's participation. This scholarship is renewable each year of consecutive undergraduate enrollment at the university.
- 2.0-2.4 earns $350
- 2.5-2.9 earns $600
- 3.0-4.0 earns $750