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Book Project

J. Michael Garrett

Director and Librarian, R.C. Ryan Center for Biblical Studies

University Profile

1 Result

Reformation 500: How the Greatest Revival Since Pentecost Continues to Shape the World Today

Reformation 500: How the Greatest Revival Since Pentecost Continues to Shape the World Today

Edited by Ray Van Neste & J. Michael Garrett

B&H Academic (February 2017). Union Contributor(s): Ray Van Neste (Editor); J. Michael Garrett (Editor); Gavin Richardson (Chapter 1: "Reform our church all out of joint鈥: The Lollard Movement and the Medieval Origins of the Reformation"); Bradley G. Green (Chapter 5: "An introduction through which we are prepared for faith in the gospel鈥: Augustine, Calvin & the Authority of the Church & Holy Scripture"); Justin D. Barnard (Chapter 6: "'Comfortable Words': Reforming the Lord's Supper"); Harry Lee Poe (Chapter 7: "The Primacy of Preaching in the English Reformation"); John T. Netland (Chapter 9: "The Religious Dissenter in Victorian Fiction: Reformation Themes in 19th Century English Novels"); Hunter Baker (Chapter 14: "Martin Luther and the Question of Political Quietism"); Jimmy H. Davis (Chapter 15: "The Impact of the Reformation upon the Flowering of Modern Science"); James A. Patterson (Chapter 2: "Anabaptist Kinship Revisited: Implications for Baptist Origins and Identity"); J. Henry Allen (Chapter 12: "The Historical Legacy of Luther"). | |