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Book Project

Bobby C. Rogers

Professor of English and Writer in Residence

University Profile Scholarship Profile

5 ResultS

Shift Work: Poems

Shift Work: Poems

Bobby C. Rogers

LSU Press (March 2022). | |

Social History: Poems

Social History: Poems

Bobby C. Rogers

LSU Press (March 2016). | |

Paper Anniversary

Paper Anniversary

Bobby C. Rogers

University of Pittsburgh Press: Pittsburgh, PA (September 2010). | |

Chapters in Books

KJV 400: The Legacy and Impact of the King James Version

KJV 400: The Legacy and Impact of the King James Version

Edited by Ray Van Neste; Foreword by David S. Dockery

BorderStone Press (December 2012). Union Contributor(s): Ray Van Neste (Editor and Introduction); James A. Patterson (Chapter: "Divine Right or Holy Dissent? Conflicting Visions of Church and State in Early Seventeenth-Century England"); Steve R. Halla (Chapter: "Art, Iconoclasm, and the Search for Unity: Reflections on Cornelis Boel's 1611 KJV Title Page Design"); Bobby C. Rogers (Chapter: "'Therefore Now Put Off They Ornaments': The Influence of the King James Bible in Contemporary American Poetry"); John T. Netland (Chapter: "'The Very Language of Men': Biblical Echoes in Wordsworth's Poetry"); Scott Huelin (Chapter: "Only God Speaks King James: The Literary Use of English Bible Translations in Flannery O'Connor's The Violent Bear It Away"); Gene Fant (Chapter: "'Give Me also This Power': Secular Writers' Simultaneous Fascination with and Denial of the Power of the KJV"); Christopher W. Mathews (Chapter: "Sounding through the Centuries: The Influence of the King James Version over Four Centuries of Musical Composition"); Bradley G. Green (Chapter: "Convenant, Canon, and Culture: Theological Reflections on the Cultural Meaning of the King James Version"); Hunter Baker (Chapter: "A Bible for the People: The Political and Cultural Impact of the Vernacular Bible"); Gavin Richardson (Chapter: "'No New Reformation': Anglo-Saxon Vernacular Scripture in the Minds of the Reformers"); Micah Watson (Chapter: "Who Appeals to Heaven? King James I and John Locke on Scripture & Political Authority"); Justin D. Barnard (Chapter: "Human Nature and the Veneration of the KJV"); Jennifer A. Gruenke (Chapter: "Isaac Newton's Bible: Science and Heresy in 17th Century England"); Keith Bates (Chapter: "KJV-Onlyism"). |

Afield: American Writers on Bird Dogs

Afield: American Writers on Bird Dogs

Edited by Robert Demott and Dave Smith

Skyhorse Publishing (May 2010). Union Contributor(s): Bobby C. Rogers (Chapter: "Hunting Close: On Bird Dogs and Lost Time"). |