Request for Audio Book or Alternative Format of Text
If you have not been approved for books on audio or books in electronic format then you will need to contact the director at to start the application process. Please do not fill this form out.
Receiving an additional copy of textbooks in an alternate format is an approved accommodation through the Office of Disability Services. This accommodation is only for students who qualify for assistance. In order to receive this accommodation a student must register with the Office of Disability Services and produce relevant medical documentation verifying the need for such accommodation. Once a student has been approved for the Alternative Format accommodation, the student must fill out the Alternative Format form. This form must be submitted as soon as possible whenever an alternative format text is needed. Students are responsible for requesting the text every semester, which can take up to 6 weeks to acquire. The Student must show proof of purchase of all textbooks before the Office of Disability Services can release books in audio or alternate format text, in compliance with Federal copyright laws.