BetterHelp for Jackson students
51社区 has partnered with to support your mental wellbeing by providing you with easy and convenient access to professional therapy online. As a member, this benefit is available to you free of charge for one month.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q How many free sessions am I eligible to receive?
A As a Union student, you are eligible to receive a month of free counseling sessions (up to 4 sessions in that month) for free.
Q What if I want to continue beyond the 4 free sessions?
A If you would choose to continue beyond those four sessions, you would pay for any sessions beyond that time (at a reduced rate).
Q How can I access my benefit of the 4 free sessions?
A In order to receive this benefit, your email address needs to be provided by the university to the online portal that we have set up with This information is private and protected and is only seen by health and counseling services. Jennifer Chicantek in health and counseling is able to input your email into their system, and then you will receive an email from directing you as to how to get started.
Q What do I need to do to gain access to
A You may email Mrs. Chicantek at, or you may call her at 731.661.5284.
Q Will I have to pay anything up front?
A You will have to input a form of payment initially, but you will not be billed until after you have used the full month of service (should you choose to continue).
Q Will the counselor I see be fully trained or in training?
A will connect you to a licensed counselor with 3 years of experience beyond licensure, and there are no counselors in training providing services.
Q How quickly will I be able to get an appointment?
A usually connects you to a counselor within 12 hours.
Q Will I be able to see a Christian counselor?
A As you do the intake, you may request a counselor who is a Christian
Q Will I be able to see a counselor of the same race/ethnicity that I am?
A At intake, you may request a counselor of a specific race or ethnicity.
Q What if I don't like the counselor I am assigned to see?
A If you find the counselor you are connected to initially not to be a good fit, you are able to switch to another counselor. There is no cost for the switch, but each session still counts towards your month of free care.
Q What if I have further questions?
A If you have questions about this service, please contact Jennifer Chicantek at, or the Director of Counseling Services, Tamarin Huelin (