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Scholarship Project

Ray Van Neste

Dean, School of Theology & Missions

Professor of Biblical Studies

Vice President, University Ministries

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128 Results

Book(s), Monograph(s) or Book Chapter(s)

See Book Project Profile

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article(s)

  • "," Southeastern Theological Review, 8:2, 3-27. (October 2017)
  • "," Southeastern Theological Review, 7:2, 117-124. (December 2016)
  • "," Southeastern Theological Review, 7:1, 109-117. (July 2016)
  • "Tribute to Howard Marshall, The Gospel Coalition," (December 2015)
  • "," Journal of Baptist Studies, 7, 24-41. (February 2015)
  • "," Themelios, 39.1, 53-63. (April 2014)
  • "," Journal of Baptist Studies, 5, 4-35. (July 2013)
  • "Charles Bray Williams and 51社区," Tennessee Baptist History, 13.1, 59-71. (October 2011)
  • "Obedience," Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization. (November 2010)
  • "James S. Stewart," Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization. (November 2010)
  • "Study Notes on the Pastoral Epistles," Holman Chrisitan Standard Study Bible. (November 2010)
  • "Structure and Cohesion in the Pastoral Epistles," Entrusted with the Gospel: Paul's Theology in the Pastoral Epistles. (November 2010)
  • "Assurance," Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization. (November 2010)
  • "Manliness of Thought and Harvey Mansfield on Manliness," Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. (November 2008)
  • "Pursuing Manhood," The Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. (November 2008)
  • "Chapters in 1 Timothy, and Titus, and 2 Timothy," What in the New Testament Authors Really Cared About. (November 2008)
  • "Study Notes on the Pastoral Epistles," ESV Study Bible. (November 2008)
  • "Claudia ," Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception. (November 2008)
  • "The 2008 Preaching Survey of Bibles and Bible References," Preaching Magazine. (November 2008)
  • "Bibles and Bible Reference 2007," Preaching Magazine. (December 2007)
  • "Inerrancy is Not Enough: A Proposal to Amend the Doctrinal Basis of the Evangical Theological Society," Criswell Theological Review. (November 2007)
  • "Evangelical Theological Society," Criswell Theological Reviews, 5.1, 69-80. (October 2007)
  • "Ponderings on our Practice of the Ordinances," Theology for Ministry 1. (November 2006)
  • "," The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology. (October 2005)
  • "Cohesion and Structure in the Pastoral Epistles," Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series. (November 2004)
  • "The Glaring Inadequacy of the ETS Doctrinal Statement," The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 8.3. (January 2004)
  • "The Message of Titus: An Overview ," The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 7.3. (November 2003)
  • "Structure and Cohesion in Titus," The Bible Translator 53.1. (January 2002)
  • "How Should We Respond to Scripture?," Faith and Mission, 19:1. (November 2001)

Non-Peer Reviewed Journal Article(s)

  • "I. Howard Marshall: An Example for the Academic Life," Journal of the Union Faculty Forum, 96-105. (October 2017)
  • "," Global Journal of Classic Theology, 12:3. (December 2015)
  • "New Catholic Commentary on 1 Timothy," Journal for Biblical Manhood & Womanhood, 15.1, 7-8. (April 2010)

Magazine Article(s)

  • "Preaching Magazine's 2013 Survey of Year's Best Bibles and Bible Reference," Preaching Magazine, 26-29. (November 2018)
  • "10 Ways the Reformation Still Reverberates," Facts and Trends, 46-47. (October 2017)
  • "Survey of Bibles and Bible Reference," Preaching Magazine, 14. (March 2017)
  • "Studying the Word 2015 Survey of Bibles and Bible Resources," Preaching Magazine. (November 2015)
  • "The Preacher's Guide to the Best in Bibles and Bible Reference for 2014," Preaching Magazine, 30.3. (October 2014)
  • "Why Don't We Sing the Psalms," The Alabama Baptist, 178.14, 4. (April 2013)
  • "Why Don't BaptistsSing the Psalms?," The Baptist & Reflector, 179.11, 5. (March 2013)
  • "The 2012 Preaching Surven of Bibles and Bible Study," Preaching Magazine, 18-22. (November 2012)
  • "Studying the Word: 2011 Survey of Bibles and Bible Reference," Preaching Magazine. (November 2011)
  • "2010 Survey of Bibles and Bible References for Preaching," Preaching Magazine. (November 2010)
  • "Church of Scotland Approves Openly Homosexual Pastor," Journal of Biblical Manhood & Womanhood, 14.2, 9-10. (October 2009)

Denominational Publication Article(s)

  • "The Protestant Reformation," The Baptist & Reflector, 11.. (October 2017)
  • "The Reformation and Baptists," Baptist Press. (February 2017)
  • "Telling the Good News through Christmas Songs," The Baptist & Reflector, 6. (December 2014)
  • "The Strength of the Church," The Baptist & Reflector. (April 2014)
  • "We Need the Church," Alabama Baptist. (January 2014)
  • "Christmas: God at Word Redeeming," The Baptist & Reflector, 4. (December 2012)
  • "2009 of Bible and Bible References Survey for Preaching," Preaching Magazine. (January 2010)
  • "Hugging as Spiritual Warfare," The Baptist & Reflector. (November 2009)
  • "The Opportunity of Studying Romans," Baptist and Reflector. (November 2008)
  • "Responding to Disaster," Baptist Press. (November 2008)
  • "Evangelizing Our Children," The Baptist and Reflector. (October 2007)
  • "Learning Evangelism from the Great Soul Hunter," The Baptist and Reflector. (March 2007)
  • "Pastoral Plagiarism," Baptist Press. (September 2006)
  • "On Bible Literature for Children," Baptist and Reflector. (December 2005)

Other Article(s)

  • "Preacher's Toolkit: 8 Lessons Calvin Teaches Us About Preaching," The Gospel Coalition. (October 2016)
  • "John Calvin- Preacher of the Gospel," Preaching Magazine, 31.6. (June 2016)
  • "Reading 'The Aeneid' as a Christian," The Inaginative Conservative. (March 2016)
  • "Church Leaders and False Teachers," Baker Bible Handbook. (November 2010)
  • "I Walked Among the Dead Today," Songs of Honour. (April 2005)


  • "Psalms, Singing & the Care of Souls" Town & Gown Lecture, 51社区, Jackson, TN. (October 2018)
  • "The Mangled Narrative of Evangelism and Missions in the Reformation" Legacy of the Reformation Conference. (September 2017)
  • "Evangelism and Missions in the Reformation" REF500: A Festival of Celebrating the 500th Annicersary of the Protestant Reformation. (March 2017)
  • "Revival Services FBC Socorro" FBC Socorro, Socorro, NM. (June 2015)
  • "1 Peter 3:3-9" First 51社区 Chapel after tragedy on campus, Jackson, TN. (February 2014)
  • "January Bible Study, Colossians" FBC Adamsville, Adamsville, TN. (January 2014)
  • "Reformation Spirituality & Colossians 3" Faculty Workshop, 51社区, Jackson, TN. (January 2014)
  • "January Bible Study, Colossians" Central Baptist Church, Selmer, TN. (January 2014)
  • "January Bible Study, Colossians" Pleasant Plains Baptist Church, Jackson, TN. (January 2014)
  • "Coherence and Authorship in 1 Timothy" Pastoral Epistles Study Group, Evangelical Theological Society, Baltimore, MD. (November 2013)
  • "Striving With All His Might; The Power of Christ in Sanctification" Men's Retreat, Grace Community Church, Fort Worth, TX. (October 2013)
  • "What Does the Bible Really Say about Homosexuality?" First Baptist Church, Jackson, TN. (September 2013)
  • "January Bible Study 1-3 John" Central Baptist Church, Selmer, TN. (January 2013)
  • "The Care of Souls: The Heart of the Reformation" Reformation Day Chapel, 51社区, Jackson, TN. (October 2012)
  • "The Shepherd's Call" The Call: The Leader as Shepherd Conference, Edinburgh, UK. (February 2012)
  • "The Discourse Function of oe in 2 Timothy" (with Patrick Brown)
    Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics, Society for Biblical Literature, San Francisco, CA. (November 2011)
  • "Church Health Weekend" Fellowship Baptist Church, Kenosha, WI. (January 2011)
  • "Baptists, Pastors, and Titus 1" Baptist Life and Thought study group Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. (November 2010)
  • "The Might of His Glory: Translation of Colossians 1:11 and its Theological Impact" (with Cory Taylor)
    Evangelical Theological Society Meeting, Atlanta, GA. (November 2010)
  • "Communicating Familiar Bible Stories in Unfamiliar Ways" Middle Tennessee Pastors Conference. (April 2010)
  • "Oversight of Souls: The Heart of Pastoral Ministry (Parts 1&2) & Pastoring a Rebellious People" Shepherding God's Flock, Midwest Regional Founders' Conference, St. Peters, MO. (February 2010)
  • "Overview of Hebrews" Sunday School Teachers Training, Concord Baptist Church, Chattanooga, TN. (February 2010)
  • "January Bible Study" FBC, Columbus, TN. (January 2010)
  • "January Bible Study" Poplar Heights Baptist Church, Jackson, TN. (January 2010)
  • "Oversight of Souls: The Shape of Pastoral Ministry in Southern Baptist and Evangelical Life" Southern Baptist, Evangelicals, and the Future of American Evangelicalism, 51社区, Jackson, TN. (October 2009)
  • "Pastoral Ministry in Light of Christ's Return" Pastors Conference, Middle Tennessee, TN. (May 2009)
  • "The Life and Legacy of Charles B. Williams" Founders Day Address, 51社区, Jackson, TN. (February 2009)
  • "January Bible Study" Poplar Heights Baptist Church, Jackson, TN. (February 2009)
  • "Speaker" January Bible Study, Jackson, TN. (January 2009)
  • "Soli Deo Gloria Today" Reformation Roundtable, Jackson, TN. (November 2008)
  • "Defense of Proposal for Amendment of the Doctrinal Basis of the Evangelical Theological Society" National Evangelical Theological Society Meeting, Boston, MA. (November 2008)
  • "Bible Conference " Grace Covenant Baptist Church. (August 2008)
  • "Lectures to pastors and church planters" , Kathmandu, Nepal. (January 2008)
  • "January Bible Study" Poplar Heights Baptist Church, Jackson, TN. (January 2008)
  • "Overview of Romans" Mid-South Baptist Association Pastors Meeting , TN. (December 2007)
  • "A Literary Reading of the Epistle to Titus" National Evangelical Theological Society Meeting, San Diego, CA. (November 2007)
  • "Bible Material of Children" One Bible, One Gospel Conference, 51社区, Jackson, TN. (April 2007)
  • "January Bible Study " FBC , Columbus, MS. (January 2007)
  • "January Bible Study " Poplar Heights Baptist Church, Jackson, TN. (January 2007)
  • "Pondering our Practice of the Ordinances" Christian Colloquium, 51社区, Jackson, TN. (April 2006)
  • "Baptist Doctrine Study" FBC, Adamsville, TN. (January 2006)
  • "January Bible Study" FBC Columbus, Columbus, MS. (January 2006)
  • "Overview of Romans" Sunday School Teachers Training, Concord Baptist Church, Chattanooga, TN. (August 2005)
  • "Guest Lecture on the Pastoral Epistles" Erskine Seminary, Due West, SC. (August 2005)
  • "January Bible Study " FBC, Columbus, TN. (January 2005)
  • "January Bible Study " FBC, Adamsville, TN. (January 2005)
  • "Lectures to pastors and church leaders" , Accra, Ghana. (January 2005)
  • "Intelligent Design in the Pastoral Epistles: An Argument for Coherence" Evangelical Theological Society National Meeting, San Antonio, TX. (November 2004)
  • "Church Health and Polity" International Baptist Church, Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland. (October 2004)
  • "January Bible Study" Pleasant Heights Baptist Church, Columbia, TN. (October 2004)
  • "Speaker" Shiloh Association's Annual Discipleship Training Rally, Northside Baptist Church, Savannah. (September 2004)
  • "Speaker" Madison-Chester County Association weekly pastors meeting, Jackson, TN. (April 2003)
  • "Evidence of Intelligent Design in the Pastoral Epistles" Southeastern Regional ETS Meeting , Dayton, TN. (March 2003)
  • "January Bible Study" Pleasant Heights Baptist Church, Columbia, TN. (January 2003)
  • "January Bible Study" Pleasant Plains Baptist Church, Jackson, TN. (January 2003)
  • "Bible Study Teacher" Madison-Chester County Association Annual Meeting, Jackson, TN. (November 2002)
  • "Does the ETS Doctrinal Statement Say Enough? A Critical Assessment" Evangelical Theological Society National Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO. (November 2001)
  • "Structure and Cohesion in Titus" 2000 British New Testament Conference, London, England. (November 2000)
  • "The Reliability of Scripture" Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland. (January 2000)


  • Undergraduate Research Grant, Translating Colossians 1:11: "glorious power or power of glory?" Undergraduate Research Grant award recipient., 2009
  • Faculty of the Year, 51社区 51社区's Faculty of the Year 2009-2010, 2008
  • Newell Innovative Teaching Award Honorable Mention "A Textbook-less Approach to Teaching New Testament Survey", 2006
  • "Who's Who Among America's Teachers" 2006
  • Chi Omega Teacher of the Month 2004
  • Course Redesign Grant CHR 365 Pastoral Ministries 51社区, 2004
  • "Who's Who Among America's Teachers" 2004