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Scholarship Project

Gavin Richardson

University Professor of English

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39 Results

Book(s), Monograph(s) or Book Chapter(s)

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Peer-Reviewed Journal Article(s)

  • "Constantine's Soli Invicto Comiti Coinage: Theme and Variations," KOINON: The International Journal of Classical Numismatic Studies, 4, 128-153. (December 2021)
  • "Practical Paleography in the Chaucer Classroom," Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching, 18.1, 79-96. (March 2011)
  • "Numismatic Images of Atargatis: Keys to a Parody," The Celator: Journal of Ancient and Medieval Coinage, 23.10, 6-14. (October 2009)
  • "The 'Barbarian/Hut' Centenionalis and Vergilian Iconography," Vergilius, 54, 70-96. (January 2008)
  • "La Male Regle Thomas Hoccleve," The Facts on File Companion to British Poetry Before 1600. (January 2008)
  • "Jarman's UNHOLY SONNET: AFTER THE PRAYING, AFTER THE HYMN-SINGING," The Explicator, 63.3, 185-188. (April 2007)
  • "Sex and Secrecy in Medieval Antifeminist Proverbs," Proverbium: Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship, Vol. 22, 321-336. (January 2005)
  • "Germanus Autisiodorensis," Abbo of Fleury, Abbo of Saint-Germain-Des-Pres, and Acta Sanctorum. (January 2002) (with Prof. E. Gordon Whatley)
  • "Langland's Mary Magdalene: Proverbial Misogyny and the Problem of Authority," Yearbook of Langland Studies, Vol. 14, 163-184. (January 2000)
  • "Judgment Day I & II," Medieval England, 382-383. (January 1998)

Magazine Article(s)

  • "," Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity, 34.5, 31-35. (September 2021)
  • "," The Other Journal, 30: The Authority Issue. (September 2018)

Review Article(s)

  • "," Smartish Pace, Issue 25. (April 2019)
  • "," Renewing Minds, 4, 78-83. (December 2013)
  • "Review of Shylock Is Shakespeare by Kenneth Gross," The Sixteenth Century Journal, 39.4, 1221-2. (January 2008)


  • "The Medieval Epistola Diaboli Tradition and The Screwtape Letters" Christianity in the Academy Conference, St. Giles Church, Oxford, England. (July 2022)
  • "Constantine's Problematic 'Friendship' with Sol Invictus: The Numismatic Evidence." Christianity in the Academy Conference, St. Giles Church, Oxford, England. (July 2019)
  • "The Literary King Arthur, Part 1: The Arthur of Geoffrey" The Inklings Weekend in Montreat: King Arthur and the Inklings, Montreat College, NC. (April 2018)
  • "The Literary King Arthur, Part 2: The Arthur of Malory" The Inklings Weekend in Montreat: King Arthur and the Inklings, Montreat College, NC. (April 2018)
  • "'Of Ministers in the Church': Lollard Antipapal Polemic on the Eve of the Reformation" REF500: A Festival Celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, Jackson, TN. (March 2017)
  • "Lady Macbeth's Wassail" Forty-first Annual Conference of the Southeastern Medieval Association, Univ. of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR. (October 2015)
  • "Hoccleve's Tale of Jonathas and the Charismatic Object" New York University Medieval and Renaissance Center Annual Spring Conference: Charisma, New York City, NY. (March 2013)
  • "" KJV400: Legacy and Impact, Jackson, TN. (September 2011)
  • "Henryson's Proxy Avengers: Male Revenge Fantasy in the 'Testament of Cresseid'" Forty-fourth International Congress on Medieval Studies, MI. (February 2010)
  • "The Bursting of the Womb: Male Revenge Fantasy and Hoccleve's Tale of Jonathas" 34th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association, St. Louis, MO. (October 2008)
  • "Constantine the Great: Christianity, Community, Art, & Propaganda--A Numismatic Lecture" Society for the Critical Imagination. (March 2008)
  • "Medieval Manuscripts & the Processus Contra Templarios" Lambuth University Lecture Series on the Knights Templar , Jackson, TN. (March 2008)
  • "Practical Paelography in the Chaucer Classroom" 42nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, MI. (May 2007)
  • "Leading Men: An Analysis of a Romano-Byzantine Gesture" Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association, Daytona Beach, FL. (September 2005)
  • "Sex and Secrecy in Medieval Antifeminist Proverbs" 38th International Congress on Medieval Studies, MI. (May 2003)
  • "Language & Landscape: Mahmoud Darwish & Jehuda Amichai" 51社区 Town & Gown Series on Israel and Palestine, Jackson, TN. (June 2002)
  • "The Literature of Islam" 51社区 Town & Gown Lecture Series on Islam, Jackson, TN. (January 2002)
  • "Mary Magdalene in the English Mystery Plays" Southeastern Medieval Association, New Orleans, LA. (October 2001)
  • "'For hit ys an olde-seyde sawe...': Proverbial Authority and the Denial of Agency in Malory's Le Morte Darthur " 34th International Congress on Medieval Studies, MI. (May 1999)
  • "Gnomic Generalization and Situational Ethics in Layamon's Brut" 2nd Annual Colloquium for Philology in Germanic Studies at Illinois and Indiana, IN. (October 1996)
  • "Langland's Mary Magdalene and the Problem of Authority" The Medieval Association of the Midwest 12th Annual Conference, IN. (September 1996)
  • "Judas' Bread and Stone: The Proverbial Background of Elene 611-618 and the Problem of Choice" Illinois Medieval Association's 13th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. (February 1996)
  • "A World Without the Word: Gnomic Manipulation in Hrafnkels Saga" 30th International Congress on Medieval Studies, MI. (May 1995)
  • "Narratology and Sapientia in the Old English Daniel" 28th International Congress on Medieval Studies, MI. (May 1993)