Review Articles (57)
- "," (September 2024) by George DeMaagd (with L Archer, A Pugh)
- "," Current. (July 2024) by Christopher Jones
- "The Correspondence of Assurbanipal, Part II: Letters from Southern Babylonia (Book Review)," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. (May 2024) by Christopher Jones
- "," Smartish Pace. (April 2019) by Gavin Richardson
- "," Journal of Historic Preservation, History, Theory, and Criticism. (June 2018) by Christopher Jones
- "," Renaissance Quarterly. (October 2017) by Jason Crawford
- "New Essays on Thomas Reid ," Journal of Scottish Philosophy. (August 2017) by Gregory S. Poore
- "," Books & Culture. (March 2015) by Hal L. Poe
- "Bioethics for beginners: 60 cases and cautions from the moral frontier of healthcare," Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics. (August 2014) by Gregory S. Poore
- "Everyone's a Systematic Theologian: An Introduction to Systematic Theology," Books at a Glance. (May 2014) by Bradley Green
- "Alien Development, a review essay of Keith D. Stanglin & Thomas H. McCall's, Jacob Arminius: Theologian of Grace," First Things. (February 2014) by Bradley Green
- "," Renewing Minds. (December 2013) by Gavin Richardson
- "Norman Wirzba鈥檚 Food and Faith: A Theology of Eating," Renewing Minds. (September 2012) by Scott Huelin
- "Jesus Christ and the Life of the Mind," Themelios . (July 2012) by Bradley Green
- "C. S. Lewis at One Hundred," The Sewanee Review. (June 2012) by Hal L. Poe
- "From Billy Graham to Sarah Palin: Evangelicals and the Betrayal of American Conservatism," Renewing Minds. (April 2012) by Bradley Green
- "Evangelicals and Empire: Christian Alternatives to the Political Status Quo," International Journal of Systematic Theology. (January 2011) by Bradley Green
- "," Contemporary Women's Writing. (March 2010) by Karen Martin
- "On the Reading of Old (and Some New) Books: A Review Essay," The Journal of the Society for Classical Learning. (January 2010) by Bradley Green
- "Yours is the Kingdom: A Systematic Theology of the Lord's Prayer ," Evangelical Review of Theology. (January 2010) by Bradley Green
- "The Holy Trinity ," Southern Baptist Journal of Theology. (January 2010) by Bradley Green
- "Buddhism and Science: A Guide for the Perplexed by Donald Lopez," Perspectives on Science. (January 2010) by Justin Barnard
- "Origins of Modernity," Chronicles . (September 2009) by Bradley Green
- "," Contemporary Women's Writing (Oxford Journals). (August 2009) by Karen Martin
- "Christ and Culture Revisited," Touchstone. (June 2009) by Bradley Green
- "The Baylor Project: Taking Christian Higher Education to the Next Level," Touchstone. (June 2009) by Bradley Green
- "Review of Carlotta Caulfield and Dari茅n Davis, eds., A Companion to U.S. Latino LIteratures.," Hispania. (June 2009) by Karen Martin
- "Three Questions about the Resurrection," Union Bulletin. (April 2009) by Bradley Green
- "Clinton v Jones," The Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution. (February 2009) by Sean F. Evans
- "Cooper v Aaron," The Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution. (February 2009) by Sean F. Evans
- "Craig v Boren," The Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution. (February 2009) by Sean F. Evans
- "Humphrey's Executor v United States," The Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution. (February 2009) by Sean F. Evans
- "Lee v Weisman," The Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution. (February 2009) by Sean F. Evans
- "Olmstead v United States," The Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution. (February 2009) by Sean F. Evans
- "Planned Parenthood v Casey," The Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution. (February 2009) by Sean F. Evans
- "South Carolina v Katzenbach," The Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution. (February 2009) by Sean F. Evans
- "," Intervarsity's Faculty Ministry. (February 2008) by David C. Thomas
- "Christian Wisdom: Desiring God and Learning in Love by David F. Ford," The Cresset. (February 2008) by Scott Huelin
- "Evangelicals and Empire: Christian Alternatives to the Political Status Quo," International Journal of Systematic Theology. (January 2008) by Bradley Green
- "Review of Shylock Is Shakespeare by Kenneth Gross," The Sixteenth Century Journal. (January 2008) by Gavin Richardson
- "Review of Perla Suez's Entre Rios Trilogy," Letras Femeninas. (February 2007) by Karen Martin
- "The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief by Francis S. Collins," Philosophia Christi. (February 2007) by Justin Barnard
- "Green Chemistry Laboratory Manual First Year High School Chemistry Course, Student's and Teacher's Manual," (January 2007) by Sally A. Henrie (with K.R. Fowler, R.E. Hall, K.M. Lindsey)
- "," Christian Reflection: Parables. (October 2006) by Scott Huelin
- "'The Heart Set Free' and 'In Praise of Wisdom'," Christianity and Literature. (July 2006) by Scott Huelin
- "Fritz Oehlschlaeger鈥檚 Love and Good Reasons: Postliberal Approaches to Christian Ethics and Literature," Cresset. (May 2004) by Scott Huelin
- "William Brown鈥檚 Seeing the Psalms: A Theology of Metaphor," Journal of Religion. (April 2004) by Scott Huelin
- "The Centrality of the Resurrection," Union Bulletin. (April 2003) by Bradley Green
- "After Our Likeness: The Church as the Image of the Trinity," Evangelical Review of Theology. (January 2002) by Bradley Green
- "SBL Handbook of Style: For Ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, and Early Christian Studies," Journal of Religious and Theological Information. (November 2001) by Mark Dubis (with James D. Ernest Shirley A. Decker-Lucke David L. Peterson)
- "JPS-Hebrew-English Tanakh: The Traditional Hebrew Text and the New JPS Translation-Second Edition," Journal of Religious and Theological Information. (January 2001) by Mark Dubis
- "Chrisitan Cyberspace Companion: A Guide to the Internet and Chrisitinan Online Resources," Journal of Religous Theological Information. (January 2000) by Mark Dubis
- "High Places in Cyberspace: A Guide to Biblical and Religious Studies, Classics and Archeological Resources on the Internet," Journal of Religious and Theological Information. (January 2000) by Mark Dubis
- "A Solid State NMR Temperature Study On The Mobility of Dendrimers Immobilized On Solid Supports," American Chemical Society Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, Preprints. (February 1999) by Sally A. Henrie (with P.F. Molitor, R.S. Majerle)
- "," Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. (December 1998) by William Thierfelder (with J N Ihle, S Teglund, D Stravopodis, D Wang, J Feng, E Parganas)
- "," Stem Cells. (April 1997) by William Thierfelder (with J N Ihle, T Nosaka, F W Quelle, K Shimoda)
- "," Trends in Biochemical Sciences. (May 1994) by William Thierfelder (with J N Ihle, B A Witthuhn, F W Quelle, K Yamamoto, B Kreider, O Silvennoinen)