Chuck Lawless
Dean of Graduate Studies, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY
- Mar 4, 2015 - Chapel: Charles Lawless
"What are You Living For?" from Mark 10:17-22 - Mar 3, 2015 - Church Relations: WTPC with Chuck Lawless
Helping Your Church in Evangelism and Missions - Sep 19, 2012 - GO Week Chapel: Chuck Lawless
"Boy or Man? Shepherd or King? Warriors in the Great Commission" from 1 Samuel 17 and 1 Chronicles 21 - Sep 17, 2012 - GO Week Chapel: Chuck Lawless
"Facing the Impossible for the Sake of the Nations" from Exodus 14:13-14 - Sep 4, 2009 - Chapel: Chuck Lawless
The Triumph of the Word over the Tragedy of a Fall - Oct 27, 2006 - Faith in Practice Conference: Charles Lawless
"Will You at This Time?...Why Do You Stand Here Gazing?" from Acts 1:6-11 - Oct 26, 2006 - Faith in Practice Conference: Charles Lawless
"Crossing the Sin Line" Genesis 3:1-15 - Oct 25, 2006 - Faith in Practice Conference: Charles Lawless
"The Warfare of the Great Commission" from Ephesians 6:10-20 - Apr 14, 2004 - Chapel Service: Chuck Lawless
"How does the enemy lure us into sin?"