Baptist Identity Conference II
Held February 15 – February 17, 2007
Session X - Timothy George
The Future of Baptist Identity in a Post-Denominational World -
Session IX - Ed Stetzer
Toward a Missional Convention -
Session VIII - Jim Shaddix
The Future of the Traditional Church -
Session VII - Gregory A. Thornbury
The 'Angry Young Men' of the SBC -
Session VI - David S. Dockery
The Southern Baptist Convention Since 1979 -
Session V - Russell Moore
"Learning from T. T. Eaton and 19th Century Baptists" -
Session IV - Paige Patterson
What Contemporary Baptists Can Learn from Anabaptists -
Session III - Mike Day
The Future of Baptist Associations and State Conventions -
Session II - Thom Rainer
Evangelism and Church Growth in the Southern Baptist Convention -
Session I - Frank Page
The Future of the Cooperative Program