Ryan Center Bible Conference: One Bible, One Gospel
Held April 27 – April 28, 2007
Plenary 3: Paul House
One Bible, One Gospel - Part 3 -
Breakout Session: Ken Matthews
Feasting with God: Food Laws and the -
Breakout Session: Debbie Burrus
Teaching from a Biblical Worldview -
Breakout Session: Mary Jane Jones & Marni McKenzie
Engaging Women in Effective Bible Study -
Breakout Session: Mark Dubis
Observation Skills: Laying an Essential Foundation for Biblical Interpretation -
Breakout Session: Kelvin Moore
Psalms: Knowledge and Consequence -
Breakout Session: Grant Osborne
The Meaning and Power of Fulfillment: the Use of the Old Testament in Matthew -
Breakout Session: Brad Green
Salvation: Faith & Works in the Old & New Testaments -
Breakout Session: Jim Patterson
Marcion: 2nd Century Roots of Rejecting the Old Testament -
Breakout Session: David Gushee
Bringing the Old and New Testaments Together in Christian Morality -
Breakout Session: Hal Poe
The Message of Jesus: The Prophecies Fulfilled -
Breakout Session: George Guthrie
Interpreting Narrative Passages in the Old and New Testaments -
Breakout Session: Gary Smith
Psalm 68 in Ephesians 4: Explaining God's Gifts to the Church -
Breakout Session: Ray Van Neste
Bible Material for Children -
Breakout Session: Paul Jackson
An Ominous Echo from Ai: Lying & Dying in Joshua & Acts -
Plenary 2: Paul House
One Bible, One Gospel - Part 2 -
Plenary 1: Paul House
One Bible, One Gospel - Part 1