Tony Hall - "I
really wasn’t a believer until I came to Congress." Representative
Tony Hall, a Democrat from Ohio, admits that might sound strange. Though
he had grown up in a Presbyterian church as a child, he says he knew
nothing about the Lord until he came to Washington as a congressman in
1978. In his quiet, deliberate way, Hall explains his transformation.
"The year before I came to Congress, there had been a prayer breakfast in my city and Charles Colson had given a speech there. I went not because I wanted to go, but because at the time I was a state senator, and I thought that maybe some of this God stuff would rub off on me. But I really went to be seen as a politician, not to be seen as a man of God… because I didn’t know God." But something that Colson said that day touched Hall's heart, and in his first year of Congress, he went on a search to find that missing link. Each Sunday morning, Hall would visit a different church, looking for God, trying to fill the hunger and desire he was experiencing. Several months later, Hall and his wife were invited by a fellow congressman and his wife, both believers, to attend a gathering at their house. It was there that Hall heard Bill Bright speak, and without hesitation or reservation, accepted Christ that night. Twenty-one years later, Hall says his faith has taken over his life... "My life has really changed. Not only on issues, but the way I think about things. I want to live my life in God, not just a few times a week but every day. I once heard the most amazing prayer said by a missionary. He said ‘I hope that my weaknesses don’t get in the way of God’s will." I’ve been saying that prayer ever since I heard it. It’s important that my pride, my weaknesses, my bad habits, don’t get in the way of what God wants me to do. And that’s my prayer." |