
April 20-22, 1998

Dr. James White

Dr. Walter Kaiser

Chuck Maxwell

The Annual Spring Bible Conference is held in the spring each year and is led by nationally known biblical scholars, teachers, and preachers. This conference is one of the highlights of the year on our campus for students, faculty, and staff alike and is a time for the entire university as well as many from the surrounding communty participate. Each year we welcome our loyal friends to campus for a special time of spiritual enrichment. Our conference leaders this year are exceptional! Dr. James White, pastor of the Mecklenburg Community Church in Charlotte, North Carolina and author of the popular, Rethinking the Church, will be serving as our bible preacher. Dr. Walter Kaiser, president of Gordon-Conwell Seminary in South Hamilton, Massachusetts and author of many biblical reference works will be our bible teacher for the week. Chuck Maxwell, musician from Northbrook Church of Jackson, Tennessee will be leading in praise and worship.

For more information, contact the Office of Campus Ministries at 901-661-5062.

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Last updated on December 23, 1997.