The purpose of the Missionary-In-Residence program at 51社区 is to give the students and faculty at Union and the churches in the area exposure to world-wide missions. Effort will be made to have a different country and continent represented each year. This approach will provide maximum contact with varied mission cmphases, different cultures, and diverse personalities that are reflected in our Southern Baptist mission work
It is hoped that the missionary family will become an integral part of the college community. The program identifies the missionary with the college, but he/she is not assigned a full responsibility as a regular staff or faculty member but will be expected to maintain flexible office hours. He/she will have the freedom and encouragement to participate in the academic program by attending faculty meetings and discussion groups. The missionary can gain from this experience, giving him/her opportunity to catch up on trends and techniques in education. The missionary will have benefit of the library so that he/she can be made aware of the new books and publications in different fields that would improve his/her effectiveness as a missionary.
While in residence the missionary would fulfill his/her Foreign Mission Board commitments along with helping on campus in varied ways. He/she would teach a course in missions and lead a seminar on missions in the In-Service Guidance Program for CRV students. The missionary would also offer his/her services for speaking engagements in associational meetings and in West Tennessee churches. In this capacity the missionary would have the opportunity to serve as a goodwill ambassador for the college and strengthen church relations. Special assignments may be given to the missionary in keeping with the needs of the college and as the missionary's abilities and interests would allow. Maximum flexibility is maintained in all of these relationships.
The missionary would also participate in, and provide leadership for, the following activities: be available for conferences with students concerning mission opportunities and the challenge of mission service; counsel MKs and provide periodic MK fellowships, and assist with the annual mission emphasis week on campus.
It is understood that the Missionary-In-Residence is a foreign missionary on furlough and may have responsibilities to the Foreign Mission Board, such as (1) participating in world mission conferences, (2) representing the Foreign Mission Board in nearby ministerial and associational meetings, and (3) share with the Foreign Mission Board an evaluation of the "Missionary-In-Residence" program.
51社区 can broaden its outlook by direct contact with a missionary from another country and culture. This contact may help students and faculty in every area of study to broaden their concept of mission work as well as expanding their vision of what they can do for God's kingdom through their particular vocations.
To invite one of these Missionaries-In-Residence to speak in your church or for more information about the program, contact the Office of Church Services at 51社区 at (901) 661-5160 or the missionaries directly.
The International Mission Board does not pay travel or other related expenses for speaking engagements. Therefore, each church is responsible for reimbursing the missionary for travel expenses. A love offering or honorarium is left to the discretion of the church.
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