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Art Gallery: Haelim Choi Allen Exhibition Art Gallery: Haelim Choi Allen Exhibition

December 3, 2018 through February 5, 2019

, Art Gallery

The geographical coordinates for the City of Jackson in Tennessee are: 35.6145° N, 88.8139° W. This specific point places us near the intersection of East Main and North Royal streets in downtown Jackson, TN. This junction, even though identified as being Jackson, cannot describe the various features and nuances of this city. And yet, it gives us a specific place to begin our understanding of the city in terms of its geography, politics, and citizenship, among many other characteristics.

As a transplant from the Mid-Atlantic area to the Mid-South, and before that, an immigrant from Daegu, South Korea to Hyattsville, MD in the United States, the intersections, or rather, points of location, cultures, peoples, and overall geography blend and diverge as both points in common and uncommon to each other. Interestingly, the coordinates for Daegu, South Korea are: 35.8714° N, 128.6014° E (near the intersection of Gukchaebosang-ro and Jong-ro – on one map, where the Paris Baguette shop in Daegu is located). The latitudes for both Daegu and Jackson are very close in proximity of 35.74295° N. Yet, we are, in many ways, worlds apart from one another.

This painting exhibition presents these numerous locations visited by the artist in media that are traditionally associated with the west (oil on canvas) and the east (ink on paper). Some of these spaces are layered on top of one another, while others are juxtaposed next to one another, regardless of their exact coordinates. Traversing these markers through these means reflects the in-between spaces where Allen dwells.

Opening Lecture: Thursday, December 6, 4:30 p.m. in PAC A-72
Gallery Reception: Thursday, December 6, 5:30 p.m. in Gallery

Haelim Choi Allen

For More Information, Contact:
Art Gallery, 731-661-5075