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Creative Writing Workshop Reading: Graham Hillard Creative Writing Workshop Reading: Graham Hillard

March 2, 2023: 1:00 p.m.2:30 p.m.

Carl Grant Events Center, Salon III

teaches creative writing and contemporary literature and is the founding editor of the Cumberland River Review, Trevecca's national literary quarterly. He holds an MFA from New York University, where he studied poetry with Galway Kinnell, Sharon Olds, Edward Hirsch, Stephen Dunn, Phillis Levin, Tom Sleigh and Elizabeth Alexander. He has written for the Los Angeles Review of Books, the Oxford American, the Weekly Standard and other magazines and is a regular contributor to the Washington Examiner and National Review. His poems and short stories have appeared in 32 Poems, The Believer, Epoch, Image, Notre Dame Review, Sewanee Review and numerous other journals. He has been a resident fellow on several occasions at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, a Tennessee Williams scholar at the Sewanee Writers' Conference, a finalist for the Livingston Award for Young Journalists and a recipient of an individual artist fellowship from the Tennessee Arts Commission. He is the author of (), released in 2022 as part of the Poiema Poetry Series.

Book signing and reception at 2 p.m.

Graham Hillard